Armen V. Grigoryan
Security Council Secretary
Security Council
The Security Council
1. Defines the main directions of Republic of Armenia’s defense policy, including:
1) strategic planning and revision of defense;
2) The Council approves as follows:
a. The Armed Forces development plan;
b. The development plan for other troops;
c. The Armed Forces unfolding plan;
d. The military mobilization plan;
e. The Armed Forces management plan;
f. The plan of operational supplies for the protection of the Territory of the Republic of Armenia;
is. The national plan for civil defense;
h. Draws up the list of those positions pertaining to supreme commanding staff of the Armed Forces and other troops, the positions of senior officers and the highest military rankings corresponding to them.
(3) The Council exercise other powers prescribed by law:
2. At the Prime Minister’s recommendation, the Council discusses issues relating to national security, the territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of the Republic of Armenia;
3. Decides on issues relating to defense policy’s main areas, and provides advisory decisions on other matters within its competence.
Yerevan Marshal Baghramyan Ave., 24 Building
(+374 10) 590-222