Prof. Peter Brook, chairman of the PrepCom of WSIS Gala Award to be held in Tunis during the World Summit on the Information Society has invited RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan to be one of the 8 Heads of State and UN organizations who will hand over the awards proposed in 8 different categories. Having stressed that works from 168 countries would be presented at the international contest for the best interactive content with the prize winners to be picked at the gala event in the Grand... more »
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received the delegation of the central body of Ramkavar Azatakan Party, which is in Armenia on the occasion of the120-anniversary of party founding. The Prime Minister highly evaluated the efforts made in Diaspora by Ramkavar Azatakan Party for the preservation of the Armenian nation and its mobilization for the achievement of pan-Armenian goals. He emphasized the importance of the share taken by the party in the realization reform processes in... more »
RA Prime minister A. Margaryan has sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the 15-anniversary of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, which reads as follows: "The Supreme Soviet, elected in 1990 by free declaration of people's intent, carried out with honor its important historical mission: the independence of Armenia was proclaimed, the foundations were prepared for a qualitatively new legislation in line with the new situation, multi-party system, civil... more »
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received the delegation led by Speaker of Belgium's Senate Anne-Marie Lisine. Having felicitated the guests on the 175-anniversary of Belgium's independence and on the 35-anniversary of the formation of federal government, the Prime Minister said that Belgium