Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received World Bank Regional Director Ms. Donna Dowsett-Coirolo and newly appointed director of the World Bank Yerevan office Mr. Aristomene Varudakis. Introducing the newly appointed director, Ms. Coirolo assured that he was going to build on the positive experience of effective cooperation of the past few years. She said to be highly appreciative of GoA
Today the Governing Council of Millenium Challenge Account - Armenia SNCO has met at the Office of Government, presided at by Council Chairman, RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan. The Council has discussed and approved the 2006, October -December quarterly MCA-Armenia program performance report, the request for a third disbursement under the program and the report on preconditions fulfillment, as well as the technical bid assessment results concerning the tender invited for... more »