RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan sent a message of condolence to the family of Khachatryans. The message reads as follows: "With deep sorrow I learned of the death of outstanding representative of modern Armenian painting art, People's Artist of Armenia Rudolf Khachatryan. Wherever he lived and worked - in Moscow, London or elsewhere - he never gave up his association to Motherland and his ethnic roots by the strings of his soul. Filled up with great optimism and light, his... more »
RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan sent a message of condolence to the family of Hovnanians in connection with the death of Zhirair Hovnanian. The message reads as follows: "With deep sorrow I learned of the death of Zhirair Havnanian. As the meritorious advocate of the philanthropic traditions of the well-known family of Hovnanians, endeavoring for the good of the Armenian nation, he made a valuable contribution to the cause of safeguarding the Armenian identity across the... more »
RA Minister of Territorial Administration, Vice-Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received the delegation led by Vice-President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Chairman of the Organization of Physical Training Mohammad Aliabadi The delegation has arrived in Armenia to attend the opening ceremony for the Fourth Pan-Armenian Games. Welcoming the Vice-President of Iran, RA Vice-Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan noted that the current visit was an extra proof of the close ties of... more »