RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan visited the Ministries of Finance, Economy, Transport and Communications, Territorial Administration to introduce to their respective staffs newly appointed ministers Tigran Davtyan, Nerces Yeritsyan and Armen Gevorkyan. Introducing to the staff of the RA Ministry of Finance the newly appointed minister Tigran Davtyan and congratulating him on his appointment, the Prime Minister noted the importance of the effective work carried out by Mr. Davtyan at... more »
Introducing to the staff of RA Ministry of Economy the newly appointed Nerces Yeritzyan and congratulating him on his appointment, the RA Prime Minister emphasized that, as a matter of fact, a new ministry has been formed which means that by continuing in office the minister has to carry out some structural changes as well. "A new structure must be shaped in harmony with the structure of the Ministry of Finance to ensure closer cooperation between the two agencies. I feel all of you... more »
Introducing to the staff of RA Ministry of Transport and Communications the newly appointed Gurgen Sargsyan and congratulating him on his appointment, the RA Prime Minister emphasized that the transport and communications sector is the key to the development of our country's economy. "This sector is extremely important for Armenia, especially, taking into account the geopolitical problems and those challenges which today face our country. There are serious tasks set before the ministry... more »
Introducing to the staff of RA Ministry of Territorial Administration the newly appointed minister Armen Gevorkyan and congratulating him on his appointment, the Prime Minister emphasized that Mr. Gevorkyan will assume the duties of RA Vice-Premier as well which means that territorial administration a top priority for the Government of the Republic of Armenia: "One of the primary goals of the activity of the RA Government is the proportional development of territories. It is not a secret... more »