RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan welcomed Polish deputy foreign minister Andrej Kremer and deputy minister of economy Marcin Korolec. The Polish officials said they are in Armenia to discuss cooperation programs with their Armenian counterparts aimed at furthering economic and political interaction between the two countries, supposed to bring the two countries closer to each other on the way to euro-integration, as well as to present the EU Eastern Partnership Program. They briefed the... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan congratulated Hovik Abrahamyan on his election to the post of Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. The congratulations message states in part: "Dear Mr. Abrahamyan, I congratulate you on your election to the office of Republic of Armenia National Assembly Chairman. I am confident that at this highly responsible post you will use your long experience and skills to enhance the efficiency of parliamentary activities,... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received the representatives of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Tavitian Foundation. Highly appreciative of these organizations' efforts, the Prime Minister thanked them for sustained focus on education in Armenia and went on to discuss cooperation areas. Tigran Sargsyan highlighted the educational reform from the perspective of education quality. The head of the Armenian government advised that on the initiative of RA President Serzh... more »