The Prime Minister visits Pan-Armenian Youth Center Foundation
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended today the opening of the new building of the Pan-Armenian Youth Center Foundation. Opening remarks were delivered by Foundation Executive Director Alexander Ter-Hovakimyan. He noted that the Foundation’s programs will be approved over the next month to address the challenges faced by Armenian youth. The Foundation will abide by those RA President-approved programs targeting the development of youth and, as supported by the Prime Minister will... more »
Indicative quotas for budget expenditures to be funded from the State budgets in 2011-2013 have been approved
The standing supreme council on development of State medium-term expenditure programs met at the Office of Government, chaired by Republic of Armenia Prime Minister, council head Tigran Sargsyan. The Council decided to approve the indicative quotas for budget expenditures to be funded from the State budgets in 2011-2013. Under the decision, such quotas will be made available to State agencies in order to finalize the 2011-2013 per-sector medium-term expenditure programs.