Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan hands out housing certificates in 8 settlements of Lori marz
Away to Lori marz, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called at Sarahart village to hand out housing certificates to 157 households residing in 8 settlements of the marz. The certificates were made available under the State-supported disaster zone housing program. Congratulating the recipients on behalf of his government, Tigran Sargsyan said the settlers of these new-built private houses will enjoy full ownership rights. “The given undertaking comes to emphasize once again that... more »
Preparative work nearing completion
A consultative meeting was held today at the Office of Government to discuss the launch of the Tatev Revival project on October 16 and the commissioning of the newly built cableway. National Competitiveness Fund Executive Director Bekor Papazyan reported on the arrangements made to welcome, accommodate and entertain those 700 visitors expected to come round on this occasion.
A national prevention mechanism in place
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended an international workshop in Ani Plaza Hotel which discussed the setting up of an effective network of torture prevention mechanisms in Armenia. Greeting the participants who represented some 20 countries, the Prime Minister noted that as early as in 2006 our country signed the optional protocol under the UN convention on the fight against tortures and other inhuman forms of treatment or punishment. Following convention ratification by the National... more »