Tigran Sargsyan receives representatives of drug producing and importing companies
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called a consultative meeting to discuss the application-request of drug producing and importing companies. Note that in an effort to boost competition on the market of drugs and bring down drug prices, the government had previously backed amendments to the government decree on approval of the order of importing and exporting medicines and medical products into and from the Republic of Armenia. The above-mentioned application-request voiced concern that... more »
Prime Minister meets with YSU students
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called at the Yerevan State University for a scheduled meeting with YSU students. Discussed were several issues of topical interest, including corruption. The Prime Minister suggested holding further discussions to that effect: “This meeting is important in a sense you can see and understand my vision of those problems of concern to you,” Tigran Sargsyan said. Speaking about the need for shaping a modern society, the head of government... more »