Prime Minister Hands In Graduation Diplomas
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan attended a ceremonious event, entitled University Graduate -2016, during which graduates were handed Bachelor’s State diplomas. Excellence diplomas were handed in by the Prime Minister himself. Welcoming the guests, Hovik Abrahamyan noted that that the Armenia State Economics University (ASEU) is seeing off a new generation of professionals who are strong with best knowledge and skills. “You are completing the university education cycle, which... more »
PM Chairs Consultation over Situation in Artik and Upper Lars
Chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, a consultative meeting was held in the Office of Government to discuss the results of a preliminary study of damage caused by the June 24 flood in Artik town of Shirak Marz. Rehabilitation work was said underway with a view to coping with the consequences of the flooding. The Premier instructed to start the process of providing compensation for the affected residents of Artik and call in the necessary capacity to complete the relief activities.... more »
PM Introduced to Textile Company’s Development Plans
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan visited today Alex Textile Ltd, which is engaged in textile industry. The Premier toured the factory, observing the production capacity and development programs. Company director Marat Movsisyan advised that his company launched hose production in 2015. Alex Textile started manufacturing children’s clothing earlier this year. Several million euros were said invested with a view to boosting the output capacity, expand the market share and create new... more »