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Official News

Friday, 29 December 2023

Programs aimed at providing employment and housing for our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh are being discussed

The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Narek Mkrtchyan, and the Minister's press secretary, Zaruhi Manucharyan, presented details about the progress and results of the social assistance programs for our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh during the briefing held at the "Humanitarian Center".

Narek Mkrtchyan, summarizing the work done, noted that the government responded quickly to the created situation and developed and implemented various short-term and medium-term support programs. "During this period, we were able to launch some short-term and medium-term projects. In order to solve the primary and most important problems, the one-time monetary support program of 100,000 AMD for each family member was implemented. At the same time, we started thinking about medium-term programs. It is about the 40+10 thousand AMD 6-month financial assistance program, which was provided to cover apartment rent and utility costs. It should also be noted that our compatriots who have apartments in the Republic of Armenia also became the beneficiaries of the 10 thousand AMD," said the minister, adding that the 50 thousand AMD support program was also implemented with an accelerated and simplified procedure, which is also aimed at covering primary expenses.

Narek Mkrtchyan emphasized that during these months, the 49 regional offices of the United Social Service, as well as the humanitarian stations established in a number of different communities, carried out very active work. According to the minister, electronic platforms were developed in parallel with all the programs, which contributed to increasing the addressability and efficiency of the provision of assistance and to its prompt implementation. Those platforms also allowed to coordinate various initiatives.

Referring to the provision of social guarantees for our compatriots who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, Narek Mkrtchyan reminded that for this purpose, amendments were made to the law "On State Pensions and Allowances". As a result, the government was authorized to establish certain features regarding the realization of the right to pensions and allowances of compatriots displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh. Accordingly, it was established that if a person was a pensioner in Nagorno-Karabakh, he can get this right through the online platform, upon filling out an application. As of now, according to the minister, more than 15,000 applications have already been approved. And if the person was not a pensioner in Nagorno-Karabakh, then he will be assigned a pension and the seniority will be calculated in accordance with the procedure established by the pension legislation of Armenia. In this case, to assign a pension, one must apply to the regional centers of the Unified Social Service and go through the established procedures. It was noted that pensions and benefits are paid only in the order and amount corresponding to the types of pensions and benefits provided by the Armenian legislation.

Appropriate support programs were also implemented for persons with disabilities, single elderly and children left without parental care. "At the moment, we have 10 children and more than 90 single elderly people in our care facilities. During this time, we also worked in the direction of family reunification. We also have outsourced services that are implemented through NGOs. We announced that we should make these services available to our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh. For example, providing certain services to children with disabilities at home," said the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs.

Narek Mkrtchyan also emphasized that efforts were made to provide employment to our compatriots who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, as a result of which 1000s of citizens were given counseling and found employment. He also informed that the issue of implementing more clearly targeted mid-term and long-term employment programs is being discussed, which will enable to involve larger groups. "Different models and programs are being discussed, and we will have an opportunity to talk about them in the near future. These can be both programs aimed at stable employment and housing," said the minister.

March 2025

