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Official News

Thursday, 8 August 2024

The refund for non-cash payments to pensioners will be 12% instead of 10%, and the maximum amount of refund will rise from 5000 AMD to 6000 AMD

The regular Cabinet meeting took place today, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan.

The Government made a decision by which changes will be made in the decision N 2346-A of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of December 28, 2023 "On the implementation of the public-private partnership project for the provision of biometric passports and identification cards in the Republic of Armenia". Some deadlines for the components of the project, such as the deadline for the declaration of the invitation to offer, have been discussed with the bidders. As a result, requests for extensions were received, taking into account the volume of preparatory work, the holiday season, the lack of staff. In addition, the proposal to replace the period of no later than 55 working days with a period of no later than 75 working days after the preparatory session of the evaluation committee is also assessed as insufficient. Based on the opinions received from the qualified bidders, in order to properly analyze the mentioned documents, it is recommended to set a period of no later than 95 working days after the preparatory session of the evaluation commission for making a decision on approving the invitation to offer. Therefore, by this decision of the government, it is proposed to increase the above-mentioned period by a reasonable number of days.

The Government approved the legislative initiative of the Government of the Republic of Armenia on the bill of the Republic of Armenia "On Ratifying the Credit Agreement No. CAM 1024 01 C between the Republic of Armenia and the French Development Agency".

The agreement was signed in order to receive 75 million euros of credit funds under the budget support program in the form of a policy-based loan to Armenia. The budget support funds will be directed to the financing of the deficit defined by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2024", therefore the timely receipt of credit funds is of great importance from the point of view of financing the expenses provided by the categories of the state budget.

The Government made changes and additions to the decision of the Republic of Armenia of December 28, 2023 "On approving the measure and procedure for providing refunds to pensioners from non-cash payments" N 2339-L. The decision envisages not to calculate and not to pay back payments made for utility services (gas, electricity, drinking water, fixed and mobile phone supply services). At the same time, according to the decision, the beneficiaries are given the opportunity to receive a larger refund from non-cash payments for the purchase of other goods and (or) services. For this purpose, it is proposed to increase the 10% refund for non-cash payments and set it at 12%, and to increase the maximum amount of the refund from 5000 AMD to 6000 AMD.

The Government approved the proposal to sign the agreement "between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on the conditions of operation of the Russian-Armenian University in the Republic of Armenia". With the new agreement, the core approaches of university management are more clearly formulated, the principle of equal approach to the implementation of educational programs was applied in accordance with the legislations of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation. The agreement stipulates that the rector is elected by the management board in accordance with the charter and is confirmed in the position by the joint order of the authorized bodies for a period of up to 5 years. The same person cannot hold the position of rector for more than 2 consecutive terms. The working relationship with the rector is regulated by the labor contract concluded between the rector and the Armenian-authorized body acting as an employer and acting on behalf of the founders of the university. The Armenian side is represented in the person of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, and the Russian side is represented in the person of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The new agreement clearly defines university admission rules and academic rights and freedoms.

March 2025

