Thursday, 25 January 2007
In accordance with the established timetable, today the reports of RA Minister of Urban Development and RA Minister of Culture and Youth Affairs have been heard at the Office of Prime Minister.
RA Minister of Urban Development Aram Harutiunyan reported that in the period under review his ministry continued performing its functions of area planning, construction and engineering, protection against natural and man-made phenomena, housing estate development based on the priorities formulated in the prospective development plans, government strategy and the 2006 social-economic program. Accordingly, in the field of area planning and engineering, general development plans for 26 urban and rural communities were prepared and approved by the Government in 2006. The Ministry went on building up a single system of normative-technical documentation (NTD) for urban development purposes by preparing and introducing 10 NTDs of national and international relevance. Inventory and civil work were carried out on in areas adjacent to the 4 main highways of the Republic. Under the "Housing through Placement of Home Purchase Certificates" program such certificates have been made available to 761 persons, of which 74 have already bought dwellings or habitations. In the period under review, through use of funds available from the Treasury, a considerable amount of work was carried out in both Yerevan and marzes in terms of refurbishment and construction of educational, cultural, health care facilities and dwellings. Among the actions realized in the R&D sector, the speaker mentioned the coordination of damaged residential buildings technical status assessment and data collection-registration activities. According to the report, owing to the efforts of the State Urban Development Inspectorate many housing estate developers have been brought into the legal field with around 54, 200,000 drams collected as budget revenue. During 2006, specific work was carried out to enlarge the scope of the Ministry