Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Today the Governing Council of Millenium Challenge Account-Armenia SNCO has met at the Office of Government, presided at by Council Chairman, RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan.
Among other agenda items, the meeting has discussed and approved the results of re-assessment of the technical bids for the provision of consulting services under the Design and Monitoring of 6 Natural-Flow Systems component of the Irrigated Agriculture sub-program of the MCA-Armenia program. Upon endorsement by the Governing Council, the results will be submitted to the MCC for final approval.
The Council has also heard the results of the assessment of technical bids for the purchase of consulting services under the Feasibility Study for the Refurbishment and Enhancement of Efficiency for 68 Pump-Houses component, which have been approved and are subject to MCC consideration.
The meeting further reviewed the invitation of interest for participation in the tender announced for the purchase of consulting services under the Design and Monitoring of Third-Grade Water Canals Rehabilitation project. It was approved by the Council. The speakers mentioned that consulting services implied preparation of rehabilitation schemes, fact finding about basic environmental data and technical oversight of construction. Upon endorsement by the Council, the invitation form will be sent to the MCC for approval.
Meeting agenda included also consideration of the bids invitation form and the tender package for the purchase of building activities under Third-Grade Water Canals Rehabilitation in Abovian, Arevshat, Lanjazat Communities of Ararat Marz and Griboyedov Community of Armavir Marz project. This component provides for about USD 14 million-worth investment on the rehabilitation of third-grade water canals, with 15% co-financing due from local water users.
It was mentioned that third-grade water canals rehabilitation projects were developed in 2005-2006 under a similar component of the World Bank-supported Development of Irrigation Systems program, which are currently ready for implementation under the MCA-Armenia program. The competition will feature a single package in accordance with the procedure applicable to international bids. Upon endorsement by the Council, the competition package and the invitation form will be sent to the MCC for approval.
The Council has discussed and approved the amendments and changes to the contract on the purchase of consulting services under the Feasibility Study and Design component of the Rehabilitation of Rural Roads sub-program.
Further, the meeting has discussed and approved the changes to the procurements plan, which was passed last May 15 by the MCA-Armenia SNCO Governing Council.
The meeting has also heard the report on the fulfillment of the assignment specified in the minutes of the June 26, 2007 meeting of the Governing Council of MCA-Armenia SNCO concerning the modifications of the width of carriage-ways on the roads incorporated in the first package of the Rural Roads Rehabilitation sub-program.
The Council has similarly endorsed the results of assessment of the technical proposals regarding the selection of a financial agent for the MCA-Armenia program. Upon endorsement by the Governing Council, the results will be presented to the MCC for final approval.
Then meeting participants heard information on the disagreement voiced in connection with the assessment of bids received for the purchase of consulting services under the Environmental and Social Evaluation and Monitoring component and discussed the draft of the feedback letter. Following careful consideration of the arguments produced, the Council decided that the claims were insufficiently substantiated and approved of the draft reply letter to be sent out on behalf of the MCA-Armenia SNCO.
Another agenda item was the discussion of the draft contract for the purchase of consulting services under the Performance-Based Revision and Improvement of Systems Applicable to Routine and Winter Maintenance of Roads component of the Rural Road Rehabilitation sub-program of the MCA-Armenia program. The draft contract, too, was approved by the Council. It was reported that talks over the contract were held on July 24, 2007, at which the technical concerns raised by the Company in its technical offer were examined and addressed. The structure and contents of the contract as part of the invitation for bids had been first reviewed and endorsed by the MCA-Armenia SNCO Governing Council, then approved by the MCC on February 22, 2007.