Thursday, 1 September 2005
Today the Commission on 1600th Anniversary of Armenian Alphabet has met at the Office of Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister A. Margaryan, Commission Chairman.
Discussed was the implementation status of the assignments given at the previous meeting. Planned work was reported to be running according to the timetable with some of the jubilee events having been completed already. In particular, in the period from June 2 to June 4, scientific-cultural events were held in Artsakh in commemoration of the School of Amaras and the 1600th anniversary of the Armenian script, an international symposium was organized, a flower-decorated alley was founded in Yerevan, an all- republican festival was held, a map referred to as "Mesrop Mashtotz's activities in Armenia" was published and so on. It was mentioned that a number of events were in progress in line with the established schedule.
The meeting has stressed the importance of ensuring high organizational standard of the above-said events including due media coverage thereof so as to turn to account the exceptional value of the Mesropian invention to our people