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Official News

Friday, 16 September 2005

Statement by H.E. Mr. Andranik MARGARYAN Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia at the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly

Mr. President,



Mr. President,

First, allow me, to congratulate you on your election as President of the Sixtieth anniversary session of the United Nations.

It is five years now that the Heads of State and Governments adopted the Millennium Declaration thus assuming responsibility to reach the development goals as outlined in the Declaration. By joining the Declaration Armenia included the development goals in its long-term strategic programs. By the decision of the Government and with the assistance of international organizations Armenia adopted a Poverty Reduction Strategy Program in August 2003.

It envisages measures aimed at implementation of MDGs and is in compliance with the strategic development of the country. The Program reflects our national distinctive features and enjoys the full support of civil society and international organizations.

Mr. President,

Terrorism remains the biggest scourge facing humanity. The terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 in the United States, then in Beslan, Madrid, London and other parts of the world testify that states should unite their efforts to commonly address this evil. Armenia strongly condemns terrorism and all its manifestations.

We commend measures undertaken by the Secretary-General aimed at prevention of possible acts of genocide in the future. In this connection I would like to underline the importance of inclusion in the Outcome Document of the High-Level Meeting the concept of responsibility to protect populations against genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

The international community should redouble its efforts to prevent possible genocides. Armenians, as a nation that survived the first genocide of the 20-th century, know well the horrible consequences of the policy of genocide.

 Mr. President,

One of the guarantees for security and stability in our region is peaceful settlement of regional conflicts. Armenia remains committed to the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. The people of Nagorno Karabagh used its right to self-determination in accordance with the principles of international law, just as some countries present at this session have recently done. We are confident that only in conditions of mutual respect, in an atmosphere of tolerance and with the will to recognize historic truth can we secure peaceful and good-neighborly coexistence in our region.

We attach special attention to regional cooperation to encourage mutual confidence. Unfortunately, this process is impeded by the blockade imposed on Armenia, as well as by unwillingness of some countries of our region to engage in such cooperation.

Mr. President,

Armenia supports the efforts aimed at reforming the United Nations and, in particular, at enhancement of the role of the General Assembly, creation of the Human Rights Council, and especially at increasing the effectiveness of the working methods of the Security Council. We are confident that the reformed United Nations Organization will be in a position to successfully address today's ever-increasing challenges.

Thank you.


March 2025

