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Official News

Tuesday, 6 December 2005


On December 5, 2005 started RA Prime Minister's four-day official visit to capital of Egypt Cairo.

Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan and his delegation were met by Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmad Nazif at the airport of Cairo, then the meeting of Prime Ministers of two countries took place. The private talks between the prime pinisters was followed by the two governments' plenary meeting after which Mr. Margaryan and Mr. Nazif officially opened the 4th session of the joint Armenian-Egyptian intergovernmental commission.

Prime Minister of Egypt Ahmad Nazif first of all conveyed President Moubarak's greetings to the head of GoA and his delegation and wished successful completion to the proceedings of the 4th session of the intergovernmental commission. In the statement that followed he emphasized that relations between Armenia and Egypt had always been of special character not only due to the high level of bilateral political cooperation, but also the similarity of approaches in the matters concerning Middle East and Southern Caucasus, as well as the readiness to support each other on the international arena. He further said that Armenia had always expressed solidarity with pan-arabic positions and voted for Egyptian candidates at various UN bodies. Armenia is willing to support Egypt in its aspiration of becoming a full member of UN Security Council. Prime minister Ahmad Nazif expressed hope that Egypt will manage to develop cooperation with the USA and Israel so as to find a solution to the problems facing the Middle East region.

Drawing upon historic sources, Prime minister Ahmad Nazif associated the present upward trends in the development of the centuries-old friendship between two peoples dating back to the time of pharaons with the effective efforts exerted by the Armenian community of Egypt and spoke in positive terms of our Egypt-based compatriots.

Ahmad Nazif said it to be quite natural for Egypt to have established embassy-backed diplomatic relations with Armenia shortly after independence. Then the cooperation was channeled through the Egyptian fund of cooperation with CIS countries. The Egyptian Prime Minister opposed the existing high standard of political intercourse between the two States to the still unsatisfactory status of economic cooperation and the low level of trade and economic exchange. "There are very few investments made so far. They need to be stimulated whenever possible with a special focus placed on the private sector," - Prime Minister Ahmad Nazif said by adding that the two governments had been working and continue providing a groundwork for strengthened bilateral ties. Numerous documents of cooperation in different fields have been signed to date. Among the prospective spheres of cooperation, the Prime minister of Egypt mentioned agriculture, public health services, tourism, information technologies by emphasizing that they were similarly high on Egyptian government's economic agenda.

Insufficient knowledge of two countries about each other, transport problems, in opinion of Prime minister Ahmad Nazif, created certain difficulties in the matter of further strengthening bilateral ties, however, according to him, all this could be addressed. He also noted the importance of another event due in Cairo - the Armenian-Egyptian business forum which, in his belief, might become a stimulus for activated business contacts and implementation of joint programs. In opinion of the Prime minister of Egypt, joint programs may help Armenia find a 70-million-strong commodity market due to Egypt's diversified close contracts with the countries of the Arabian world. He has expressed hope that with active cooperation it wouid be possible to export the joint produce towards the markets in third countries.

Prime minister Ahmad Nazif noted with satisfaction the fact of the introduction of Armenia in the WTO and added that it was due to effective reforms undertakebn in the national economy. Having congratulated RA Prime minister and the Armenian delegation on the successful completion of the referendum on constitutional reforms, Ahmad Nazif emphasized that in this way Armenia might achieve greater progress and faster development.

He also spoke about the reforms underway in his country, inclusive of the multi-party system and alternative elections.

Having thanked his Egyptian counterpart for the invitation to pay an official visit to Egypt and the warm reception offered, Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan appreciated the role of Egypt in the establishment and strengthening of stability in the region and went on to emphasize that due to a well-balanced position Egypt had managed to promote both its national interests and the interests of the whole region. RA Prime Minister also stressed that it was in the order of things that the first-ever Armenian embassy in Africa was opened in the Arab Republic of Egypt. He mentioned that since the recovery of independence Armenia had been abiding by pro-Arabian policies. The Prime Minister further said that the relationship between Armenians and Egyptians went back beyond the reach of memory. They were marked by displays of disinterested friendship and mutual support. The Armenians were present in Egypt from time immemorial. This community is considered to be one of the most traditionals in the world. The Prime Minister thanked Egypt and all those Arabian countries having provided a refuge to the Armenians saved from the 1915 Genocide who are now making an appreciable contribution to the development and prosperity of these countries. Mr. A. Margaryan expressed confidence that this first official visit to friendly Egypt could become a new incentive for strengthening bilateral ties and developing the relations between two peoples.

According to Mr. A. Margaryan, today's political dialog between Armenia and Egypt might be called as extremely close." He agreed with his counterpart's point of view according to which Armenia and Egypt were actively cooperating in the framework of international organizations. In this direction, by his definition, it was possible to count interaction exemplary so the Republic Armenia and the Arabian Republic Egypt constantly render each other mutual assistance.

Prime minister Andranik Margaryan also emphasized the importance of activity of the Armenian-Egyptian intergovernmental commission and the Armenian-Egyptian business forum in terms of activation of bilateral cooperation. Having noted that the Armenian and Egyptian sides periodically met for discussion of cooperation prospects and ways for their achievement, he considered important that the fourth session of the intergovernmental commission was for the first time attended by Armenian and Egyptian Prime Ministers. Having presented the overal picture of economic developments in Armenia and the prospects of development, Mr. A. Margaryan expressed confidence that the time had come to proceed from kind wishes to effective steps and went on to say that a vivid evidence thereof could be the creation of a joint venture for the production of insulin. He emphasized that today there are all the necessary conditions for development of bilateral trade and economic relationship and, with this purpose, Armenia ought to be represented at a higher level on the intergovernmental commission which was for the time being headed by the Minister of Territorial Administration. The Prime Minister also stressed the importance of stimulating cooperation in such spheres as information technologies, pharmaceuticals, tourism, agriculture, food-processing, electrotechnical industry, let alone the ongoing scientific, educational and cultural cooperation.

Expressing hope that addressing the sessions of the Armenian-Egyptian intergovernmental commission by prime ministers would become a good tradition and that next year the Armenian side would have the opportunity to host the Prime minister of Egypt, Mr. A. Margaryan also said to be confident that this fourth session of the intergovernmental commission was going to give a new stimulus for the development of relations between two countries to bring about practical results so as the fifth session could begin with a positive statement of the outcome of this session.

Today, on December 6, the Armenian Prime Minister attended the closing of the fourth session of the Armenian-Egyptian intergovernmental commission. Then at the Egyptian Chamber of Commerce and Industry the Armenian-Egyptian business forum started its proceedings. Today Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan also visited the University of Cairo where together with the University Chair came up with a joint statement on the establishment of department for Armenological studies at the Cairo university.

The Prime Minister also gave an interview to leading Egyptian newspapers "AL-Ahram" and " Al-Jumhuriya". Closer to the end of the day, Mr. A. Margaryan visited the embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Egypt.

Tomorrow RA Prime Minister will meet with President of Egypt Hosni Moubarak. The Prime Minister will also visit the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Egypt, then his delegation will go to Luxor historical province.

March 2025

