Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Ararat prize for great attention to the development of Armenian culture and science
Attended by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, Vahan Tekeyan annual award giving ceremony was held today in the conference hall of Tekeyan Cultural Associaton.
The Prime Minister was awarded “Ararat” diamond prize for great attention and support to the development of Armenian culture and science. “Lorva dzor” union of fellow countrymen conferred upon Tigran Sargsyan the title of Follower of Catholicos Hovnan Odznetsi the Philosopher.
In his vote of thanks, Tigran Sargsyan stated in part:
“Holiness, Dear colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very touched and I want to express my gratitude for granting to me the highest award of Tekeyan Cultural Association. I assure you that it very much obliges me. At the same time, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate today’s winners on the high awards received. I am convinced that this award will open up a new window, new opportunities for them to serve the people, the nation and culture. Today we are marking Vahan Tekeyan’s 125th birth anniversary. It is quite meaningful as if the spiritual, the national and the cultural had merged in this hall. From this point of view, everybody communicates with the spiritual, the national and the cultural in his thoughts.
Vahan Terian lived a very short life, but has left such important heritage that after some 125 years we are proud to be his compatriot. The biggest tribute to Vahan Terian would be enjoying and reading his poetry.
In general, poetry has an exclusive feature as compared to all the other expressions of art. Poets are alive as long as they have a reader.
He is alive, because it is the unique form of art which assumes a dialog between the reader and the poet without intermediaries providing the possibility of getting into the life of a specific person, understanding the way he perceives the world.
Earlier today as I was contemplating Terian’s poems, I happened to be struck by the fact that he wrote very meaningful verses at age of 20-22, as if he had been a skilled person with a wealth of life experience, wisdom. Perhaps a poet’s genius consists in his deeper and broader vision of the world. He seems to have had an immense love for life, a very big love. Charents has put it best about the poet by saying that Terian is a complete civilization.
This is a very surprising formulation of Terian’s identity. With a poet embracing an entire civilization in himself, we have to answer the following question: are we the carriers of this civilization, are we struggling for preservation of our national identity, do we understand that “national” means struggling for one’s own identity, struggle for one’s own kind. God has disposed that the main feature of our nation as compared to other civilizations is that all our life is a struggle for originality. Unlike those who are immortalized by their works of art, the mission of statesmen and politicians is a little bit different and much more complex.
Unfortunately, we must recognize that our society which is in process of formation as it has not yet got a clear idea about what should an ideal politician be like. We can name various heroes: Garegin Nezhde, Sparapet Vazgen Sargsyan or the first prime minister of the Republic of Armenia who has left interesting memoirs on the days of his premiership. But the general idea around which we can rally the society is not yet present, and it is caused also by that our society is in the stage of formation with different opinions circulated about modern figures.
In my opinion, we need trinity in the sense of any politician. He necessarily should have national thinking, realize the mission assigned to our people, and each statesman assuming a post, making a decision should carry a mission in himself. Secondly, we need culture because it is impossible to have educated and erudite persons without culture. It seems to be strange but today we must prove that a statesman, a politician should be well educated - not ignorant and illiterate, it should be a person with cultural wealth. This axiom is not yet accepted by everybody: only a small group of people accept and practice it. This lifestyle cannot be hidden. Faith is another important quality of a politician. Dangerous are those people who do not trust in their own business, in their mission and do not trust in God. Historical experience shows that people like his are always a nuisance to the nation. The idea should be propagated in the Republic of Armenia that any statesman has to be the bearer of these three qualities. In such an event our life and the life of politicians would be much easier, because those who aspire to be engaged in this area will realize that they are doomed to failure in this dimension because the society will not accept and understand public figures like this. You may rest assured that in is case we will be led by deeply cultured persons instead of ordinary bureaucrats who are dangerous.
Dear colleagues, once again I wish to thank the Tekeyan center for this high award and, on behalf of the Government of Armenia, reiterate my congratulations to all the award-winners.
Thank you.”