Monday, 25 October 2004
Earlier today the Armenian Cabinet met in an extraordinary session, which was chaired by Prime Minister A. Margaryan.
Discussed was the draft government decree on the amendments to Licence No. 60 granted to Armenia Telephone Company JV, as well as the draft government decree on the authority to provide for signing a reconciliation agreement with the above company.
It was decided to set a week's time-limit for the members of the government to familiarise with the outcome of the talks held by RA Minister of Justice and come up with relevant proposals. At the same time, considering that October 28 was set as a deadline for the effectiveness of the amendments to the licence granted to Armentel JV, it was decided to extend this time-limit by additional 10 days.
RA Minister of Justice was commissioned to submit a comparative report on the conformity of the outcome of his latest talks with the provisions adopted by the government in the wake of the open meeting with Armentel.