Friday, 10 December 2010
Sustainable Development Council Meets in Government
Armenia’s National Sustainable Development Council met in the Office of Government, presided at by council head, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan.
The Council took note of Sustainable Human Development Association NGO chair Karine Danielyan’s report on the main principles and approaches underlying Armenia’s national concept of sustainable development in the framework of RIO+20. In her statement, she referred the agenda proposed for the 2012 world summit of sustainable development to be held in Rio de Janeiro under a UN General Assembly resolution passed at the 64th session.
Another agenda item was the draft law on the use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) which stipulates the main principles of biological safety. In this connection, the head of government directed the council members to submit in writing the proposals and the queries raised at the meeting to the Ministry of Nature Protection so that they could be included in the finalized version of the bill.
The meeting next discussed organizational questions, In particular, Sustainable Human Development Association NGO chairwoman Karine Danielyan was elected to the post of as council secretary All the ministries and government agencies were told to extend every possible support to the secretariat in its activities.
In conclusion, the council decided that henceforth all agenda-related proposals should be submitted to the Secretariat in written form to facilitate the process of agenda formulation.