Tuesday, 30 August 2011
The Prime Minister Presented the Economic Situation of Armenia and the Government’s Future Plans to the Diplomats
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan participated in the consultation of the Central Apparatus of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and head of diplomatic representations held August 30-31 at the Karen Demirchyan sport-concert complex. Tigran Sargsyan presented the current state of the economy, the Government’s future programs and activities. The Prime Minister summed up the economic results of the first half of 2011 and noted, that in 2011 4, 6% of inflation is expected in the gross domestic product. Referring to the inflation observed in our country, the Prime Minister said, that Armenia has already reduced the 10% inflation level to 5%, which will create even more favorable conditions to restrain inflation in 2012.
Speaking about the Government’s future plans, the Prime Minister noted that they include the improvement process of business environment in Armenia. Important events in that direction, particularly in taxation, customs service development, introduction of an electronic filing system have been implemented this year, which should significantly reduce the contact between tax inspectors and representatives of the business sector. “Today in Armenia it is possible to register a company electronically within 15 minutes. This is one of the most important factors in improving the business environment,” the Prime Minister noted. The next steps of the reform, within the framework of deep and comprehensive free trade agreement with the EU, are directed to putting our country’s customs procedures in line with the best European Standards, registering intellectual property protection system, etc.
According to the Head of the Government, the reform program increases the effectiveness of the management system, which also includes comprehensive anti-corruption action plan. “It is a long-term plan and implies, first of all, to the specification of functions and defining responsibilities of ministries, inspectorates, state agencies, non-profit organizations. Program policy development, implementation and monitoring should be the main function of the ministries; the remaining functions should be carried out by inspections, non-profit organizations and state agencies.”
The Prime Minister informed the diplomats that for the first time in our country an industrial policy concept and its implementation plans are being carried out. The economic structure of Armenia of coming 10 years will be presented in it, revealing the potential, relative advantages, as well as the limiting factors. Referring to the north-south road corridor construction, the Prime Minister noted that it will comply with the highest international standards. “Such program has never been implemented in Armenia before. Its total volume is estimated to be worth $1, 5 billion. A contract about $500 million has already been signed; a road construction contest has been announced and 15 foreign companies have already filled participation applications. The construction works are planned to begin this year.”
According to the Prime Minister, Iran-Armenia railways construction activities are also in the process. Works about the railways’ development, construction schedule and financing are being carried out with corresponding Russian and Iranian departments.