Tuesday, 23 July 2013
North-South Road Corridor Investment Program Governing Council Holds Meeting
Chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, the North-South Road Corridor and Sustainable Urban Development Investment Program Governing Council met in the Office of Government.
The council first discussed and approved the Tranche 2 external financial audit technical proposal evaluation results and the bid evaluation committee membership, Tranche 3 construction supervision and Tranche 4 main provisions of feasibility study consulting services, as well as the results of Sustainable Urban Development Investment Program (Tranche 1) credit agreement audit services and the relevant contract.
The council next approved the new staffing of the North-South Road Corridor Investment Program Implementation Organization SNCO. The Premier ordered to draft a capacity building action plan for consideration at the next board meeting.
The meeting took note of the summary budget report concerning the North-South Road Corridor Investment Program - Project 1 and Project 2 - as well as the 2013 maintenance costs.
The council next discussed the possibility of evacuating such communication infrastructures as may constitute a hindrance to construction activities. In this regard, the Prime Minister instructed the transport and communications, finance, justice and urban development ministers to study the problem and submit recommendations.
After summarizing the results of the tender announced for the vacant position of North-South Road Corridor Investment Program Implementation Organization SNCO Executive Director, Acting Director Arthur Sargsyan was elected to the post of Executive Director of the SNCO.
Concerning the operational priorities, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of building institutional capacity.