Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Ad Hoc Commission Established by Prime Minister’s Decision
Based on Paragraph 2, Article 121 of the presidential order numbered PO-174-N of July 18, 2007, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan decided to set up a commission in order to organize the funeral of those Armenian citizens killed in the Moscow-Yerevan bus accident that took place on November 3 in the Tula region of Russia, as well as to provide necessary assistance to the affected citizens and their families.
The commission is composed as follows:
G. Beglaryan - Minister of Transport and Communication (chairman of the commission
G. Mirijanyan - Deputy Minister of Healthcare
S. Hovhannisyan - Deputy Chief of the Police Force by the Government
S. Azaryan - Head of the Rescue Service of the Staff of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations
A. Poghosyan - Deputy Head of the General Department of Civil Aviation by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
A. Ghevondyan - Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Acting Head of the MFA CIS Department