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Official News

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

PM: “This aggression was another proof of strength of Armenia-Diaspora-Atsakh trinity”

A regular Cabinet meeting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan.

Before proceeding to the agenda, Hovik Abrahamyan said, “Since early April, in breach of the standing ceasefire agreement, Azerbaijan’s armed forces have unleashed full-scale military aggression at the contact line between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan. Heavy artillery, tanks and aircraft attacked the positions of Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army, civilian facilities and settlements, which resulted in casualties. I suggest holding a minute’s silence in memory of our martyrs.”

Then the floor was given to Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan, who gave details of the situation at the contact line between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan.

“Dear colleagues, dear compatriots,

Azerbaijan’s actions were unprecedented not only since the 1994 ceasefire, but also in comparison with the first Karabakh war, considering several factors.

First of all, from the military point of view, the fire density along the line of contact, the types of weapons and military equipment used in military operations, the number of troops and vehicles engaged, their continuous expansion toward the primary line, the large amount of casualties incurred in a short span of time, considering that Azerbaijani’s losses in human lives were more than 10 times as many as the NKR Defense Army’s losses. Finally, account is to be taken of the level of combat readiness of the opposing forces for serious work has been done to reform the armed forces, improve the troops’ warfare capacity. In addition, Azerbaijan used mercenaries and terrorists in their offensive launched in different directions of the front line.

From a legal perspective, obvious is the aggressive nature of the operations unleashed by Azerbaijan. They are trying to mislead the international community in stating that they responded to our actions: the intensity of the operation makes us suppose that it had been prepared beforehand and was not at all proportionate, which can be evidenced by numerous Azeri soldiers’ dead bodies and military equipment destroyed in the territory of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, of which our public is duly informed. From the humanitarian point of view, we have witnessed obvious war crimes: tortures, decapitations and full-scale warfare targeting civilians.

From the social standpoint, we can state the high-level of social mobilization and volunteer movement, one might say, the Renaissance and the high morale in our society, as well as those heroic deeds that our troops - army soldiers, volunteers, war veterans and those who arrived in Nagorno-Karabakh to protect that part of our country – showed during the fighting.

We have every reason to say that the way heroism is perceived in the Republic of Azerbaijan did not lead to anything good for them even in strategic terms. The allegations that several Armenian settlements, including Talish and New Seysulan villages, remain in their hands are erroneous since they are located deep into the Nagorno Karabakh’s defense positions.

From a tactical point of view, in several sections of the frontline - south, center and north - and in the hot spots, the units of the Defense Army have the initiative and full control of fire strike capabilities

In this regard, as a nation, we must indeed bow our heads before those Armenian soldiers, commanders and volunteers who helped the Defense Army repel the enemy and keep control of the operational and tactical initiative.

Now an agreement has been reached, because you know that the two chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces have met in Moscow on the ceasefire, and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army mutual agreement within the framework of the Republic of Armenia voluntary movement, as well as the implementation of appropriate measures, the level of fighting efficiency of the Defense Army military capabilities and defense generally shaped arrangement, the degree of compliance of parts and its readiness for deployment of army to say that they are prepared for the training and not only training, but also in any response to prevent further action by enemy action and can I said, still more,” the Defense Minister said.

After Seyran Ohanyan’s report, the Prime Minister said, “This aggression was another proof of the strength of Armenia-Diaspora-Atsakh trinity.”

The Ministry of Transport and Communications will be allocated AMD 1 billion from the Government’s reserve fund for implementation of the first phase of renovation works at Vardenis sector of Vardenis-Martakert Highway in 2016.

Referring to the issue, the Premier said. “This is the way of strategic importance: it leads to Kelbajar, the reconstruction of which we have decided to finish this year. This is a presidential directive.”

The government approved a set of State budget-funded measures envisaged under the government-supported housing program for homeless families in the disaster zone. The government will thereby address priority housing problems for 183 families.

Hovik Abrahamyan highlighted the decision and instructed the Minister of Urban Development to be consistent in quality matters and ensure that the program is implemented within the proposed timeframe.

The Government passed another decision to gratify Gloria clothing factory’s request to get exemption of import duties for technological equipment, components and accessories, raw materials imported under its investment program implemented in the priority sector. The company exports its products to European countries. The factory is planning to produce 3 million euro-worth products in 2016. An incumbent investment program will generate 800 new jobs with an average salary of 120 thousand drams.

The Government next extended the VAT deferment accorded to International Energy Corporation CJSC for goods and equipment imported under its investment program for three years. The Company is going to refurbish the Yerevan HPP-1 facility in order to ensure the plant’s continued and undisrupted functioning through the use of the potential of local rivers. Part of the planned investment - AMD 18.9 billion - will be used to purchase modern equipment (of Russian, Indian and German manufacture). The project will help create 60 jobs with an average salary of AMD 232 thousand in 2016, 249 thousand in 2017 and 265 thousand in 2018.

At the end of the meeting, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan said: “Please follow through the assignments issued in connection with situation at the line of contact between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan.”

March 2025

