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Official News

Saturday, 2 September 2017

PM Holds Consultation in Shirak Marz Administration, Inspects Progress in Implementation of Kumayri Historic Center Rehabilitation Program

Chaired by Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, a consultative meeting was held today in Gyumri to discuss Marz and community development programs, ongoing activities and forthcoming tasks.

Reporting on the socio-economic situation and macroeconomic indicators in Shirak Marz, Governor Artur Khachatryan advised that the per capita GDP rose to 48 percent in the Marz, with the regional per capita GDP standing at 800.9 thousand drams. Industrial output amounted to AMD 40,252.3 million in 2016, which makes AMD165.5 thousand per each inhabitant.

The staple branch is the processing industry with 31,910.1 million drams. AMD25, 542.4 million was spent on food production; the production of drinks made 2,592,931 thousand drams, clothing industry boasted 1,959.2 million drams.

The main direction of the industry is the processing industry: 31 billion 910.1 million drams. AMD 25 bln 542.4 mln was spent on production of food, production of drinks made 2 bln 592 mln 931 thsd drams, clothes production made 1bln 959.2mln drams.

According to the Governor, agriculture is among the region’s key priorities. In 2016, the Gross agricultural product reached the mark of AMD100.7 billion; 414.1 thousand drams - per capita. He noticed that the Marz is short of arable land, which makes up only 23% of available resources.

The ongoing cooperation between the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development and Shirak Marz Administration resulted in 1,815.4 million dram-worth 9 investment programs, of which 7 have been approved by the Government to a total cost of 1,485.9 million drams.

Another 6 investment projects are under consideration at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development, with 3 new programs to be submitted this week.

A number of programs have been implemented by local business entities and foreign investors. The EU-supported Microsoft Innovation Center is providing training courses for 200 unemployed in Shirak Marz. A buckwheat processing plant is operational in Bavra with an annual output and packaging capacity of 9 thousand tons.

Small garment producing factories are being built in Gyumri and Artik. The building of the former railway hospital in Gyumri has been redesigned as a clothing facility that will provide about 1,500 jobs. A Tumo Center for Creative Technologies is to be established in the Marz.

Artur Khachatryan noted that tourism is a priority sector, too, based on the fact that the region is rich with historical-cultural and archeological monuments. In this regard, the Kumayri Historical-Architectural Museum, Harich and Marmashen monastic compounds and Yererouk Temple are featured sites for tourists, while the Lake Arpi National Park is the best venue for building an ecosystem cluster with its unique biodiversity.

Evoking the different sectors presented in the report, the Premier first touched upon the low level of irrigated land and asked Chairman of State Water Management Committee Arsen Harutyunyan about the possibility of tackling the problem. Arsen Harutyunyan advised that a feasibility study is being carried out regarding the Kaps reservoir project to find out its economic efficiency.

According to Arsen Harutyunyan, steps will be taken to develop the intra-community network and increase the surface of irrigated areas. A relevant program will be submitted to the Government in the near future.

Karen Karapetyan instructed the responsible government officials to pay special attention to Shirak Marz, as the level of irrigated lands is very low here. The Prime Minister attached importance to the development of the breeding station in Gyumri, noting that the Government’s goal is to reduce dependence on the outside world in the field of seed-breeding.

The Ministry of Agriculture reported that a seed breeding program is being implemented, which seeks to produce highly reproductive seeds in Gyumri seed-breeding station, Syunik seed breeding association and the Echmiadzin plant, which aims to provide farms with domestic seeds in Armenia.

The Prime Minister was next introduced to the textile development program in the region. Speaking about tourism development, Karen Karapetyan emphasized that Gyumri is one of our most promising touristic destinations and consistent work must be done to materialize the existing potential.

A tourist information center was said to be under construction in Gyumri. Efforts are being made to attract Georgian tour operators.

It was reported that the Marz stated a 15% increase in community own revenues over the first seven months of this year; the per capita income is 9,500 drams, which is quite high as compared to other regions of Armenia.

The Prime Minister inquired about the process of analyzing the communities’ own revenues towards other Marzes and expressed satisfaction with the works being done.

“During the planning of community budgets in 2018, we will have to provide maximum assistance to community leaders and justify that they have great opportunities for development. We will set clear-cut horizons for community revenues and will move forward step by step,” Karen Karapetyan said.

Referring to waste management issues, the responsible officials reported that garbage collection arrangements had been signed with 1763 out of 5,800 legal entities operating in the province.

The Prime Minister attached importance to the proper planning of local budgets in terms of garbage disposal. “The problem needs to be settled in quite a tough manner: all legal entities should be brought into the legal field within a month’s time,” the Head of Government underscored.

The Prime Minister was also informed about the work carried out in the spheres of healthcare, education, road construction, informational technologies, including the operations of the Technological Center in Gyumri, community development in Shirak Marz, etc. Information was provided on current activities and optimization of educational and healthcare systems.

After the consultation, Karen Karapetyan inspected the reconstruction of Rustaveli Street in Gyumri, implemented in the framework of the Kumayri Historic Center Rehabilitation Program.

Communication system renovation work was said to have been completed; a number of street sections have been surfaced with concrete; the sidewalks are being repaired.

Karen Karapetyan stressed that the construction process will continue to be the focus of his attention and instructed the responsible officials to do their best to have them completed within the proposed deadlines.

March 2025

