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Official News

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Community roads, lighting and garbage-related problems should be tackled in 2018 - Karen Karapetyan Holds Regular Consultation in Ararat Marz of Armenia

Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan traveled to Vedi town of Ararat Marz to get acquainted with the activities carried out in individual sectors under Ararat Marz development programs, as well as to discuss the tasks set for 2018.

Governor Aramayis Grigoryan reported that the communities’ budget revenues were envisaged to be 6,834.7 million drams, actual revenues - AMD 6,907 million or 101.1% as compared to the previous year - 442.4 million drams, which is conditioned by both the arrears and the more planned indicators.

AMD 2,365.7 million was actually collected against 2 billion 227.7 million drams in line with own revenues, while the own income plan was 106.2 percent. Communities’ per capita own income in 2017 made 9155 drams against 7069 in 2016. It is expected that this figure will reach 10699 in 2018.

According to Aramayis Grigoryan, the region reported an unprecedented rate for collecting community budgets in 2017. According to the Governor, more than AMD 524 million was collected in comparison with the previous year, bringing the budget performance to 106.5%. In 2018, communities will increase their own revenues by 538.3 million drams (or by 24.1%).

Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan considered it necessary to raise the level of per capita revenue in communities. “Ararat Marz is has an average performance in this field. It is expected that the per capita income will make 11350 drams in Armenia, which means that this index in Ararat should be more as the region is one of the most developed. We must understand that if property is registered, the indicators will be lower,” the Prime Minister said.

Aramayis Grigoryan advised that 550 million drams was allocated from the State budget in 2017 to implement programs requiring prioritized solutions in communities. These funds were funneled to the solution of the most urgent problems in the communities. As a result of the projected procurement, 124.7 million drams have been saved and returned to the State budget.

The renovation of the medical center in Artashat, the construction of high school in Ararat city, the construction of secondary school N 2 in Nor Kharberd, the renovation of Ararat village kindergarten, the construction of new buildings for kindergartens in Abovyan and Dashtakar are underway.

It was noted that last year 500 construction permits were granted in the province and it is expected that 10% increase will be registered in the construction sector this year. Activities to a total amount of 3,800 million drams have been carried out in the sphere of construction last year. It is expected that this figure will reach 4,200 million drams this year, given the fact that in the first two months of 2018, 100 construction permits have already been issued.

By the order of Veolia Jur, about AMD 300 million was spent on water supply infrastructures in 2017, the largest of them is the 200 million-worth and 1800 meter-long Garni-Artashat-Yeraskh water main.

The Governor reported that the number of landfills registered in the province is 260, of which 217 have been eliminated. The number of landfills is expected to be 3-4, which will be filled and maintained as soon as possible. In 2018, special attention will be paid to the work on garbage disposal.

The Marz administration officials reported that the garbage collection budget in the province amounts to 345 million drams, and will provide self-sufficiency this year. Contracts have already been signed with 2600 legal entities. The Prime Minister instructed to conclude agreements with the other 400 legal entities as soon as possible.

Karen Karapetyan also instructed to revise garbage disposal tariffs. “We are going to continue financing for waste management, but in case of self-coverage, we will suggest that you make more useful programs with these funds," the Prime Minister emphasized.

Karen Karapetyan noted that this year theGgovernment will pay special attention to the water issue so that our villagers can benefit from it. At the same time, referring to the problems of dumping garbage into irrigation canals, the Prime Minister said: “Our Water Resources Committee every year cleans up these canals from accumulated waste. We touched upon the issue at the Cabinet meeting. All of these points where there are risks should be taken under personal control. Community leaders must be warned that if we come tomorrow and see that the canal is again filled up with garbage, and the community does not have water, we will say give the money so that we can clean it. Please inform community residents in an appropriate way that if they pollute and fail to clean it, then they will have no water and will not have enough crops.”

In 2017, repair and maintenance work of 4.1 billion drams was carried out on highways, of which only 3.1 billion drams was used to reconstruct eight highways on the North-South road. AMD 2.1 billion-worth activities will be implemented in the sphere of road construction in 2018.

Referring to road construction, the Prime Minister urged to repair roads in rural communities, with non-standard solutions. “In 2018, we have to address the following issues in communities: finding the cheapest and most cost-effective solutions for internal roads, lighting and garbage disposal, and installation of trash bins. There is no need for great efforts to resolve these issues. We are ready to look at each program, especially since we now have a formula for subventions, if we say that the community does this, then we will do it. Let’s face this problem, Mr. Governor,” Karen Karapetyan said, expressing conviction that it will change mood in communities as well.

Aramayis Grigoryan informed that there are 49,116 farms in the region, 305 hectares of greenhouses, 1840 refrigerators and 17,770 tons of total capacity. There are 313 large farms /5 hectares and above/ established following the campaign of consolidation against 280 in 2016.

The sowing areas of the region made 18507 hectares last year as compared to the previous year, about 30,765 tons of fruits and 19,236 tons of grapes were produced. 10 units of agricultural machinery were imported to the Marz through the State-supported leasing program.

The Governor noted that the establishment of intensive orchards based on a drip system by Green Farmer LLC on 30 hectares of agricultural land in Yeraskh community will have a significant impact on the development of local agriculture. The Green House LLC is implementing the greenhouse facility expansion project in Shahumyan community. In this regard, it was also highlighted the program of construction of the Kaghtsrashen gravity water line, which will increase the area of irrigated land by about 378 hectares.

Karen Karapetyan considered that the process of intensive gardening programs in the region is still insufficient and urged to activate work in that direction. “Economically speaking, we give and get back less money. Providing a loan of two per cent, where the rate of inflation is 2.6 per cent, means that we give 100 drams and we will not take it at the end. These programs include intensive gardening, agricultural machinery leasing, drip irrigation system, hail-proof networks, plus our universal program - 3-10 million against 5 percent and for borderline communities - at 3 percent. Agriculture officials should think about it day and night and worry about it,’ Karen Karapetyan said, noting that a new subsidy package will be introduced in the near future for the development of animal husbandry.

It was reported that 1610 classrooms were enrolled in 107 secondary schools in the provinces with 32475 students in the 2017-2018 academic year. The number of pupils increased by 519 as compared to last year, and the number of pupils by 10.

The Prime Minister instructed to pay greater attention to the teaching of foreign languages, entrepreneurship and physical education.

In the health sector, the proceeds from co-funded and paid services totaled about 340 million drams In 2017, which is 6.5 million more than in 2016. The total amount of paid services is as follows: 334 million drams in 2016, 338 million - in 2017, and 395 million - in 2018.

It was mentioned that the reconstruction of the Artashat hospital will be completed in 2018. The hospital will be furnished with modern medical equipment and property.

The Prime Minister urged to reconsider the amount of funds attracted from paid services and evaluate the presented indices as insufficient. According to the Prime Minister, such tolerance in the field of health “is inadmissible.”

Wrapping up the report, Aramayis Grigoryan noted that 20% economic growth is expected in the current year through intensive methods of economic management, job creation and poverty reduction. To achieve the goals, two main priority areas have been identified: industry growth, focusing on small and medium-sized businesses and developing intensive agriculture. The volume of investments in the Marz made 32.1 billion drams in 2017, with 3000 new jobs were created. In 2018, the volume of investments is expected to reach 42 billion drams.

The Prime Minister considered it necessary to intensify the activities aimed at attracting business plans. “Be careful about business, business people, and consider the possibility of giving State and community-owned idle land and property to private investors provided they create new jobs and make investments,” Karen Karapetyan emphasized.

March 2025

