Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Open Government Partnership Initiative Working Group Holds Meeting
On July 24, 2019, a meeting was held to coordinate the activities of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative, which was moderated by Edward Aghajanyan, Head of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Coordinator of the OGP-Armenia process. The meeting was attended by representatives of government agencies responsible for implementation of the 2018-2020 OGP Action Plan, civil society and international organizations.
Under the 2018-2020 OGP Action Plan, Armenia has assumed 11 commitments to achieve accountability, transparency and broader participation in decision-making and introduce innovative models. Those commitments include the mandatory ethics declarations of public officials, the provision of grants from public funds on a competitive basis, the establishment of a register of real owners, updating community sites, assessing the quality of public services, as well as improving water supply, land use, education, health and social services. The meeting participants reported progress in the implementation of said commitments, the problems faced in this area and the plans for the future.
Tatevik Margaryan, researcher for the independent reporting mechanism, presented a report on the formation of the 2018-2020 OGP Action Plan, its methodology and the framework of proposals. The draft report will be submitted to the OGP group in August.