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Official News

Tuesday, 17 March 2020


Entry and exit through the border of the Republic of Armenia

The citizens of Armenia cannot leave the territory of the Republic of Armenia via land border; except the drivers and other participants of cargo transportation.
The citizens of Armenia and their family members (even if they are not citizens of Armenia), people registered and residing in Armenia can enter the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
Foreigners who arrive or stayed in a country /countries with an epidemiologically tense situation during the last 14 days (the list of such countries will be determined by the incident commander) will be prohibited.
In any case, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Armenia, representatives of international organizations and their family members will be able to enter the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
Therewith, the incident commander, depending on particular circumstances and special cases, may decide to allow the entry of other persons, whose entry is prohibited in accordance with the State of emergency, to the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Preventive measures

After crossing the border of the Republic of Armenia, the persons will be examined.
If any symptoms are present, hospitalization, isolation (self-isolation) and/or other restrictive measures will be carried out.
If the person refuses the restrictive measures, he or she may be temporarily isolated at the relevant place designed by the incident commander for examination, treatment and the prevention of the spread of the infection.
If it turns out that the person arrived in Armenia from a country with a tense epidemic situation, he or she will be moved to specially designed quarantine sites or they may be instructed to be self-isolated in their permanent residence or in another place by their choice, excluding direct contact with other persons.

Mobility restrictions

Although the state of emergency is announced on the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia, the restriction will apply only in the communities and territories determined by the incident commander. The following regime will operate in the community with restrictions:

A special entry and exit regime will be operating in the community, which will be controlled by the police, representatives of Ministry of Health, Ministry of State of emergency, representatives of health and labor inspectorate, food safety inspectorate, provincial and community administration,
Entrances and exits will not be restricted due to the necessity of supplying basic goods, medicine, fuel, as well as due to orders received from the incident commander aimed at eliminating the circumstances leading to the state of emergency and resolving other urgent matters,
Isolation (self-isolation) and regulation of movement of persons can be realized in the territory of the community (hours, number of people, etc.),
Implementation of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in the apartments and locations of persons.
In case of suspecting or detecting the infection, the persons will be transferred to specially designated quarantine areas.

Participation in events

Conduction of rallies and strikes in the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia is prohibited.

Additionally, the incident commander can designate special areas where the public events such as sports, cultural, educational events, entertainment, birthday (celebrations), wedding (engagement), funerals etc. may be prohibited. Such activities will be prohibited in such areas if 20 or more persons participate in them.

Educational process

The process of education in all state institutions, community and non-state general education institutions (including kindergartens), pre-vocational (craftsmanship), mid-vocational and higher education institutions will be banned. This prohibition does not apply to distant (online) education.

Other restrictions

The appointments and sending packages to places of detention, military units, psychiatric organizations, social services for the elderly, child care and protection facilities will be prohibited.

Publications in the internet and media

If persons or the mass media outlets want to post information about the current and new cases of coronavirus, people’s health condition, source of infection, the number of isolated persons on the internet including on social media or by all other ways, they should only use the official information provided by the incident commander’s office.

The same applies to such information which leads to panic or contains panic-provoking danger. Such posts are subject to immediate deletion by the persons that have posted them.

It must be noted that during the state of emergency the violation of a legal regime of the state of emergency, namely not following the determined measures and restrictions will lead to administrative responsibility in accordance with 182.3 article of the Code of Administrative Violations 

March 2025

