Thursday, 7 May 2020
Relief from import duty has been applied to certain agricultural and medical goods
The State Revenue Committee announces that within preventive measures for the novel coronavirus, import duty has been waived for certain goods entering the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Particularly, according to decisions No 21 of 16.03.2020 and No 34 of 03.04.2020 of the Eurasian Economic Commission, mainly certain medical goods will get relief from import duty if the goods declaration for release for home consumption gets registered and import permit gets submitted by the relevant executive authority till September 20, 2020 including. It bears mentioning that the relief has been in force since March 16.
The list of the goods can be accessed here.
According to decision No 33 of 03.04.2020 of the EEC, besides certain medical goods, certain agricultural goods will also get relief from import duty if the goods declaration for release for home consumption gets registered till June 30, 2020 including. The relief has been in effect since April 1.
The complete list is available here.