Prime Minister: “It is obvious that gas price reduction is both necessary and feasible”
A regular Cabinet meeting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan. Before proceeding to the agenda, the Premier said, “Domestic manufacturers need such energy tariffs as may help boost their competitiveness on foreign markets. We are eager to see that in its capacity of a lifeline utility infrastructure, Gazprom Armenia could be a stable and reasonably profitable enterprise, while in the meantime, the proposed tariffs should be affordable and profitable for the... more »
PM Briefed on Findings of Audit Chamber-Conducted Surveys in Kotayk, Aragatsotn Marz LSS Agencies
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan chaired today a consultative meeting, at which Audit Chamber Chairman Ishkhan Zakaryan introduced the findings of a study conducted in the local social service (LSS) agencies of Kotayk and Aragatsotn Marzes of Armenia. Mr Zakaryan first advised that there are four LSS offices servicing some 9 912 beneficiaries in Kotayk, Abovyan, Hrazdan, Charentsavan and Eghvard towns of Kotayk Marz. Audit Chamber’s inspections were carried out in the period from... more »
PM Receives Georgian Defense Minister-Led Delegation
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received a delegation headed by Georgian Defense Minister Tinatin Khidasheli. The Prime Minister welcomed Ms Khidasheli’s visit to Armenia, noting that visits of such a high level contribute to the development and strengthening of relations between the two neighboring States and peoples. Emphasizing that bilateral political and economic relations are on a high level, Hovik Abrahamyan singled out the cooperation in the field of defense, which may lead... more »
PM Extends Condolences on Passing of Academician Hrachik Simonyan
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan sent a message of condolence over the demise of NAS Academician, Doctor of History Hrachik Simonyan. “Hrachik Simonyan was among the eminent scholars our time who enjoyed great esteem as an intellectual. He made significant contribution to Armenian nation’s modern history. I express deep condolences to the prominent scientist’s family, friends and colleagues.”
Government Discusses Agricultural Cooperatives Development Agenda
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan chaired a consultative meeting on the development of agricultural cooperatives. The meeting discussed establishment and strengthening of agricultural cooperatives and promotion of state support mechanisms. A number of recommendations were voiced as the speakers focused on the enforcement the law on agricultural cooperatives and implementation of relevant programs Summing up the discussion, the Prime Minister said the Government ready to support the... more »
Government Holds Regular Meeting
A regular Cabinet meeting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan. To simplify the procedure applicable in the process of issuing qualification certificates, the Government amended a decision resolution referred to as “On approval of terms and conditions, rules and procedures applicable to hotel services and qualification of hotel facilities.” Applicants can thereby submit online applications to get qualification certificates. The decision proposes to... more »
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan’s Congratulatory Message on Army Day
Dear Compatriots, On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia and on my own behalf, I congratulate all of us on the occasion of Army Day. Our national army was formed owing to the strong will of thousands of Armenians - devotees of the cause of army building – and through the joint efforts of the Armenian people. Over all these years, our armed forces have lived up to the task and proved their efficiency as a key factor of security and stability in the region, The... more »
PM Abrahamyan Holds Farewell Meeting with ADB Armenia Mission Head
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received Asian Development Bank Armenia Mission Head David Dole, who is completing his term in Armenia. Appreciating David Dole’s activities in Armenia, the Prime Minister noted that the Armenian Government and the ADB had implemented and are now implementing a number of lifeline projects, including the construction of the North-South Road Corridor, the rehabilitation of the M6 interstate highway (Vanadzor-Alaverdi-Georgian border) and the... more »
Prime Minister Welcomes IFAD Regional Director
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received Khalida Bouzar, IFAD Director for the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia. The Prime Minister said to be highly appreciative of the 20-year-long cooperation with the IFAD, which resulted in 7 major projects for economic development of rural areas in Armenia. The Premier noted the importance of continuous implementation of joint programs aimed at introducing sustainable agriculture in rural areas, which is crucial in both... more »
IT Sector and Export Promotion Programs Approved
The Government held a regular meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan. The meeting approved the 2016 program and action plan on State support for Armenia’s export-oriented industrial policy strategy. The program is expected to promote the export of manufactured goods using instruments of State support through diversified exports and markets, better marketing of Armenian products on foreign markets, enhanced investment and economic activity in the provinces and... more »