Armenia, China Premiers Discuss Ways of Expanding Economic Cooperation
On September 22, 2015, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan met with China State Council Chairman (Prime Minister) Li Keqiang in Beijing. Welcoming the Prime Minister of Armenia, the Chairman of the State Council of China thanked him for accepting the invitation to visit China and attend the Eurasian Economic Forum. Highly appreciative of the Armenian-Chinese relations, Li Keqiang expressed confidence that his Armenian counterpart’s visit might help promote the development and... more »
PM-led delegation attends Armenia independence 24th anniversary-dated reception at Armenian Embassy in PRC
The Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan-led government delegation arrived in Beijing (People’s Republic of China) on a working visit late on September 21. The delegation is composed as follows: Minister of Transport and Communication Gagik Beglaryan, Minister of Economy Karen Cheshmarityan, First Deputy Minister-Chief of Government Staff Gurgen Dumanyan, First Deputy Minister of Finance Pavel Safaryan, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Manasaryan, Deputy Chairman of Central Bank Nerses... more »
PM Receives Delegation Led by China Economic and Social Council Deputy Chairman
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received a delegation headed by Wang Shenghong, Deputy Chairman of China Economic and Social Council (CESC), Vice President of PRC People’s Political Consultative Council’s All-China Board Foreign Relations Committee. Welcoming the delegation’s visit to our country, the Prime Minister expressed confidence that apart from revitalizing the cooperation with Armenia’s Public Council, it may help develop and expand Armenian-Chinese... more »
PM Hovik Abrahamyan-Led Delegation Due to PRC
On September 21, 2015, a Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan-led government delegation will leave for the People’s Republic of China on a working visit. During his stay in Beijing, Prime Minister Abrahamyan will hold meetings with Premier of PRC State Council (Prime Minister) Li Keqiang, China Export-Import Bank Chairman Hu Xiaolian, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) Vice President, First Secretary of the Communist Party Xon Yong. Prime Minister Hovik... more »
Social Investment, Local Development Program Guidelines Reviewed
Chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, Armenia’s Territorial Development Foundation Board met today in the Office of Government. The meeting reviewed the Social Investment and Local Development Program Guidelines Manual. Launched earlier this year, the program is scheduled for completion in 2020. With a total cost of USD 43 million, the program covers all the regions of Armenia, except Yerevan. It seeks to promote harmonious territorial development by making funds available to... more »
Government Completes 2016 State Budget Preliminary Draft Discussion
Chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, the discussion of the preliminary draft of Armenia’s 2016 State budget bill was today completed in the Office of Government. On September 18, State budget bill wording-related proposals were submitted by the following public entities: Presidency Staff, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Justice, Yerevan Mayor’s... more »
PM Abrahamyan Receives EU Committee of Regions President Markku Markkula
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received a delegation headed by President of the European Committee of the Regions of the European Union Markku Markkula. Stressing the importance of the Yerevan-hosted meeting and conference of Eastern Partnership Bureau of Regional and Local Authorities, Hovik Abrahamyan expressed confidence that it would contribute to the expansion and deepening of cooperation between the local self-government authorities of Armenia and EU-member countries. The... more »
PM Chairs Discussion on Ongoing Programs in Marzes
Chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, a consultative meeting was held in the Office of Government, attended by Minister of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations Armen Yeritsyan, Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan, Marz Governors and other government officials. Under the first item on the agenda, the meeting discussed progress in capital programs of primary importance underway in the provinces. It was reported that all of the projected 159 infrastructure programs... more »
PM Abrahamyan Receives PRC Ambassador to Armenia
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received today Chinese Ambassador to Armenia Tian Erlong. The interlocutors discussed a wide range of issues related to Armenian-Chinese relations, including the Armenian Premier’s upcoming visit to China. Highly appreciative of Armenian-Chinese cooperation in various fields, the Prime Minister noted the importance of implementing new joint projects for the further development and deepening of economic ties between the two countries. Conveying... more »
Privilege to boost domestic production and exports
A Cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan. The Government adopted a decision “On approval of conditions necessary for application of the privilege of exemption from import duties of technological equipment, components and accessories, raw materials and other inputs imported under investment projects implemented in priority sectors and recognition of the authorized entity.” The decision provides that technological equipment, components... more »