Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan receives IT sector representatives
Newly appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan received the members of the Council of the Union of IT Enterprises. Welcoming the guests, the head of government stated in part, “Thank you for accepting my invitation, as we will continue to further develop and strengthen our partnership with the IT industry. I am sure that it is very important to our country, economy and civil society. This is my third business day after the appointment. Prioritizing the... more »
Kazakhstan Prime Minister congratulates Hovik Abrahamyan on assumption of the office of Prime Minister
A telephone conversation took place between Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan and Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov at the initiative of the latter. Karim Masimov congratulated Hovik Abrahamyan on appointment as head of the Armenian government, wishing him new achievements and progress in the implementation of his important and responsible mission. The parties expressed confidence that joint efforts will ensure further expansion and development of cooperation between... more »
President Serzh Sargsyan Introduces to Cabinet members the newly appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
President Serzh Sargsyan introduced to the government members and the officials attending Cabinet meetings the newly appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia. “As you may know, I yesterday appointed Hovik Abrahamyan as Prime Minister – a person who enjoys the confidence of the majority of the National Assembly, was the Speaker of the National Assembly and is the Deputy Chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia. Yesterday the press briefed the public in detail on all... more »
Government’s common position on the Constitutional Court’s ruling over Funded Pensions Law
Since the Constitutional Court’s April 2 ruling, we have been facing a situation where a number of MPs who turned to the Constitutional Court, lawyers, public figures and journalists are circulating controversial and contradictory interpretations, comments and explanations regarding the further application of those provisions recognized anti-constitutional, as well as the inconsistencies of different paragraphs of the final decision. It is clear that such responses reflect the goals... more »
Government helps frost-hit farmers Land users will be provided with seeds of various crops, reduced land tax and water charges
At today’s meeting, the Government admitted that the frost which came in the period from March 30 to April 1, 2014, has caused catastrophic losses to a number of communities, creating an emergency situation. To mitigate the damage, there is an urgent need to purchase seeds from farms engaged in the sale of agricultural seeds, and allocate to regional administrations to provide land users with the most affected communities. To purchase seeds, the Agriculture Minister was authorized to... more »
Part of Government decisions refer to international cooperation Japan will provide Armenian rescuers 200 million yen-worth modern equipment
Government at its meeting today, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan, agreed to the proposal for signing the protocol on amendments to the October 7, 2002 CIS States’ Cooperation Agreement on Return of Minors into State of Residence. The amendments suggest periodical extension of the protocol and establishment of the necessary internal procedures for entry into force. The government decided to extend through April 5,... more »
Government approves a number of draft legislative amendments Checks in the field of atomic energy shall be carried out in accordance with international standards
At today’s Cabinet meeting, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan, the Government approved a package of draft laws on amendments to the laws on safe use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and on organization and conduct of audits in the Republic of Armenia, the adoption of which will help bring audits in the sphere of atomic energy into line with Armenia’s commitments assumed under international treaties. The... more »
National Assembly members make legislative initiatives Government’s findings vary
At today’s Cabinet meeting, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan, the Government, among other issues, considered a number of initiatives made by some National Assembly members. In particular, the MPs suggest amending Article 124 of the Code of Administrative Offences with a view to establishing responsibility for non-compliance with requirements of the markup indicating the position at which drivers can halt vehicles. The... more »
Conditions in penitentiary institutions to improve Performance of civil organizations to be enhanced
Chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan, the Government at today’s meeting allocated additional 875 million drams to the Ministry of Justice so that in addition to the Armavir penitentiary institution’s new facility, intended for 400 convicts, due to be commissioned this May, another building is erected with the same capacity. Currently criminal correctional institutions continue to be overloaded. Under development... more »
Education, healthcare, revenue collection and Police will be priority spheres in the Government’s new anti-corruption program
Today’s Cabinet sitting approved the concept of combating corruption in public administration. The concept is the instrument to ensure the continuity of the Government’s policy against corruption. The draft concept was prepared by a working group formed within the framework of the Commission on the monitoring of the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy. The working group featured representatives of the Government, other public bodies, experts, and representatives from... more »