Food To Be Safe And Of Premium Quality In Armenia
A Cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. To begin with, the meeting discussed food security issues. The findings of the latest monitoring were reported back by the head of the Ministry of Agriculture-affiliated Food Security Service, who answered the questions of Tigran Sargsyan (see separate) . Down to the agenda, the government decided to set up a Cash Register Introduction Office SNCO, authorizing the State Revenue Committee by the Government... more »
Food Market Monitoring To Be Continued: As Instructed By Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, Head Of State Food Safety Service Presents Cheese Market Survey Findings
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan – Good Afternoon, dear colleagues. We will begin today’s meeting with food safety issues. As agreed, we will take up the matter from time to time, because we have taken up most important obligations in the field of food safety and must guarantee that food products are safe and of premium quality in the Republic of Armenia. Unfortunately, we still have serious problems. Today we are introducing a system of monitoring in Armenia so that the... more »
Ananya Shirakatsi 1400 Anniversary Committee Holds Meeting
Chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, Ananya Shirakatsi 1400th anniversary-dedicated action implementation committee met at Gevorgyan theological seminary of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The meeting discussed preparations for jubilee events. An international symposium was said to have been held, referred to as “Astronomical Patrimony In National Culture” attended by more than 50 scientists. The following events have been organized: an international... more »
Armenia Pedagogical University, Oulu University Cooperation Agenda Discussed
Armenia State Pedagogical University (ASPU) after Khachatur Abovyan Board Chairman, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met with Oulu University Rector Laiunnen Lauri and Vice-Rector Eva-Maria Raudasoyan. The meeting was attended by ASPU academic board members, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Edward Sharmazanov, Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan, MP Galoust Sahakyan and Pedagogical University Rector Ruben Mirzakhanyan Development of cooperation between the two universities has... more »
Traditional Parties Are Part Of National Patrimony
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended a gala meeting dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the Social Democratic Henchak Party of Armenia, held at the Conference Hall of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Welcoming the participants, the Prime Minister stated in part, “I deeply believe that the traditional parties are an asset to our people: their existence and further strengthening in both Armenia and the Diaspora is in our national interest. The stronger they are, the... more »
Corruption Exposure Should Be Followed By Visible Sanctions
Chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, the Anticorruption Council met at the Office of Government. The meeting was attended by Deputy Speaker of National Assembly Edward Sharmazanov, Prosecutor-General Aghvan Hovsepyan, Police Chief Vladimir Gasparyan, Justice Minister Hrair Tovmasyan, Head of President’s Control Service Hovhannes Hovsepyan, representatives from Heritage, Rule-of-Law, ARF parties, as well as non-governmental and international organizations. To begin with,... more »
Defense Ministry Soccer Team Wins Prime Minister’s Cup In 2012
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan went to the Yerevan Republican Stadium after Vazgen Sargsyan where he attended the final match of the Prime Minister’s Cup – 2012, which brought together the football teams of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science. The team of the Ministry of Defense won 5 - 0. The team of the Police was the third in the tournament. The Prime Minister himself handed the cup to the winners. Congratulating the winners, the Prime Minister... more »
Prime Minister: Student Support Programs To Be Continued
Chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, the Youth Fund of Armenia (AYF) Board of Trustees held a regular meeting. According to the agenda, the Board approved a new structure and staffing positions, as well as 2013. Budget: It was noted that the increase in social-oriented programs next year, including the disabled and socially vulnerable groups of people. The Prime Minister stressed the importance of cooperation with the Government of the students tuition reimbursement program... more »
Tigran Sargsyan: Relying On Our Faith We Can Defy Challenges
Ararat Patriarchal Diocese Council Chairman, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan took part in the proceedings of a Diocesan Representative Assembly at the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin, chaired by His Holiness Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II. Welcoming the participants, the Prime Minister presented his government’s views on several issues: “The Armenian Apostolic Church has played an undeniable role in the history of the Armenian people. Due to our belief in the unity of... more »
Top Leadership Unsatisfied With Anticorruption Action Effectiveness
A Cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. Opening the meeting, the Prime Minister said to have had a conversation with the President of Armenia on how to strengthen the fight against corruption. The President calls for drastic measures in order to achieve tangible results ( see separate ). Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s directive, Minister of Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan reported back compliance with the tax liabilities and... more »