New Alliance Francaise Headquarters Inaugurated In Yerevan
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended the opening of the new academic building of Alliance Française. The head of government toured the building, getting acquainted with the training opportunities and programs available. “Today’s meeting is symbolic for two reasons: Armenia officially became a full member of the world family of La Francophonie, and the Armenia branch of Alliance Francaise opened a new building to support the Organization’s activities. We are... more »
Tigran Sargsyan: “The time is high for a closer interregional cooperation between Armenia and Russia”
The second Armenian-Russian interregional forum kicked off in Yerevan under the motto of “Armenia and Russia. Interregional Dialogue 2012.” The opening of the forum was attended by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, Armenian-Russian economic commission Russian co-chair Maxim Sokolov and others. Addressing the forum, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan expressed the hope that it will contribute to the strengthening of bilateral economic and humanitarian ties and the development of new... more »
PM Outlines New Economic Policy Landmarks For Economic Conference Participants
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended the opening of an annual 3-day conference on economics at the Yerevan State University. Welcoming the participants on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of foreign experts’ participation: “Such consolidation is a unique opportunity to discuss with Armenian economists such topical issues as are facing Armenia, our region and the world as a whole and are influencing our... more »
Transcript Of Joint Press Conference By RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and RF Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov
The question bears on the long-term economic cooperation program until 2020 as signed between Armenia and Russia. Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan – The program includes cooperation in almost all sectors of economy, with clearly specified mutual concerns and goal-oriented strategic actions. The strategy is a very complex program, which has been developed by the working groups and covers all the areas of economic, cultural and social cooperation. Dear colleagues, the issue... more »
Long-Term Economic Cooperation Program By 2020 Signed Between Armenia And Russia
Armenia-Russia intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation held its 14th session in the Government Guest House Prior to the start of an enlarged sitting, commission co-chairs Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and Russian Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov met in a narrow format. Welcoming the participants, the Prime Minister congratulated Maxim Sokolov for appointment to the post of Russian Co-chair. Tigran Sargsyan noted that the commission faces great responsibility in... more »
PM Welcomes Leningrad Region Governor Alezander Drozdenko
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received Leningrad Region Governor Alexander Drozdenko, who is in Armenia to attend the second Russian-Armenian interregional forum Greeting the guest, the Prime Minister said, “We attach great importance to bilateral inter-regional cooperation as promoted effectively by the forum, which has been organized the second year in a row.” The head of government expressed hope that Mr. Drozdenko’s visit will boost the implementation of... more »
US-Based Armenian Philanthropist To Finance Vanadzor School Construction
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received a delegation led by US-based Armenian philanthropist Edward Kashyan. The parties discussed school building projects. An agreement was reached Edward for Mr. Kashyan to fund the capital repairs of a secondary school in Vanadzor which was collapsed during the 1988 earthquake. The interlocutors have also discussed the possibility of implementing similar programs in the healthcare industry. Tigran Sargsyan welcomed Edward Kashyan’s... more »
Strictest Sanctions To Be Imposed On Tax Evading Medical Institutions
Prime Minister held a consultative meeting at the Ministry of Healthcare to discuss corruption and other irregularities. The meeting was attended by Minister of Healthcare Derenik Dumanyan, managers of medical institutions and other government agencies. ”A month ago, the government held a consultation where we discussed tax obligations and healthcare system problems. The President has indicated that apart from the financial issues, the system is facing serious problems... more »
Public Fund Wasting Officials Should Be Punished
A Cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. Before proceeding to the agenda, the Prime Minister informed the members of the Government on the measures taken in the direction of bringing to justice those responsible for the shortcomings identified in the health and construction sectors (see separately) . Then the Government started discussing the agenda. The Government made changes and additions to a previous decision, aimed at reforming the... more »
Prime Minister T. Sargsyan: Offenders To Bear Personal Responsibility
Good afternoon, dear colleagues. Before proceeding to the agenda, I would like to inform you that during our last meeting, which focused on healthcare issues, clear instructions were given to the Minister of Healthcare and the State Revenue Committee Chairman. As a follow-up, we will hold a consultative meeting tomorrow to summarize the findings of our recent surveys. Secondly, as you mat remember, an instruction was issued for the Prime Minister’s Control Service, the Minister... more »