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Official News

Saturday, 21 May 2011

National Competitiveness Fund Board of Trustees Holds Its 20th Sitting

National Competitiveness Fund Board of Trustees held its 20th sitting in the Office of Government, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. After looking at and approving of the protocols of the previous sitting, the Board of Trustees proceeded to the discussion of the agenda. They reviewed the state of affairs in the field of tourism, the status of Tatev Revival project and some healthcare-related projects. Following an exchange of opinions over global economic developments, the... more »

Friday, 20 May 2011

Prime Minister Attends Red Book Presentation

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended the presentation of Armenia’s first-ever bilingual Red Book at the National Academy of Sciences. The event was also attended by Minister of Nature Protection Aram Haroutunyan, NAS President Radik Martirosyan, representatives from Armenian research institutes and international organizations. During the presentation, director of Armenia’s Zoological and Hydro-Ecological Center Gagik Sarkisov and director of the Institute of Botany by... more »

Friday, 20 May 2011

Agriculture Gets Further Backing

A cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. The government approved a bill on amendments to the law on value added tax providing a VAT holiday for the sales of agricultural tractors and machinery, as well as spare parts, fertilizers, seeds and pesticides in line with the government’s policy of State assistance to farmers. The bill will be submitted to the National Assembly of Armenia in the manner established by law. The government backed... more »

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Tigran Sargsyan: “Political relationship with Belarus is on a very high level”

Attended by the Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan-led government delegation, the CIS Council of Member-State Heads of Government met today in Minsk, capital of the Republic of Belarus. The heads of government posed for a protocol photography ahead of the sitting. First, the council met in a narrow format as followed by a plenary session. A major item of the agenda was the draft arrangement on free trade zone establishment. In the wake of the meeting, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan told... more »

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Tigran Sargsyan: “Armenia and Belarus Boast Serious Potential of Economic Cooperation”

"I feel highly honored as I am here to discuss burning issues of bilateral cooperation. Our two countries enjoy a serious potential of economic cooperation which is under-realized as of yet,” Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan told the press conference held after the two prime ministers’ private talks and an expanded meeting of the two delegations. According to Tigran Sargsyan, the projects discussed enable enhanced outreach of economic entities on either side. “I... more »

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Tigran Sargsyan meets with Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus

On a two-day official visit to Minsk, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met today with President Alexander Lukashenko at the Presidency of the Republic of Belarus. Welcoming the Armenian Prime Minister’s visit, A. Lukashenko expressed confidence that it will promote bilateral relations: “Trade turnover between the two countries has gone up 15-fold over the last ten years. I still remember us thinking out schemes for boosting the trade turnover. Then, we decided to provide a... more »

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Armenian, Belarusian Prime Ministers Discuss Ways of Upgrading Bilateral Relations

Today the Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan-led government delegation arrived in the Republic of Belarus on a two-day official visit. At the airport of Minsk the Armenian delegation was met by Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich. After the national anthems of the two countries had been played, the heads of government greeted the guard of honor and introduced the members of the official delegations. Following the ceremony, T. Sargsyan and M. Myasnikovich headed to the House of Government for... more »

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Prime Minister to Leave for Belarus

On May 18, a Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan-led government delegation will leave for the Republic of Belarus on a two-day official visit.  The Prime Minister is due to meet with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich and Trade Minister Valentin Chekanov. On the second day of his visit, Tigran Sargsyan will attend the 30th session of the interstate council of EurAsEC (Eurasian Economic Commonwealth) which will bring together the heads of... more »

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

PM and UN High Commissioner for Refugees look at refugee issues

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Gutierres. Welcoming the guest, the Prime Minister thanked him for attendance of the international conference of donor organizations: “The fact that refugee issues are still high on our agenda was behind the idea of holding such an important conference. Evidence shows that Armenia continues to be handicapped by its relatively high refugee/household ratio. I am convinced that your participation will... more »

Friday, 13 May 2011

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s Statement at Republic of Armenia National Assembly While Introducing 2010 Annual Report on State Budget Execution

Esteemed National Assembly Chairman, Honorable Chairperson, Dear Colleagues, Introducing the State budget report, the prime ministers traditionally state the general characteristics and the overall background of budget exercise. Before going to my point, I would like to evoke the Audit Chamber’s report which was made public yesterday. Unfortunately, we were unable to come up with a second report. Those guilty will be punished because we very much appreciate the Audit... more »

July 2024

