RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received honorary president of the World Union of Armenian Jewelers Gagik Abrahamyan, Union President Vardkes Knajyan (Switzerland), chairman of the Armenia Union of Jewelers and Diamond Processors Emil Grigoryan and owners of leading domestic companies Pierre Arakelyan (Canada), Nazareth Sapunjyan (Lebanon), Gagik Gevorkyan (Russian Federation), Hacob Minasyan (USA) and Shahe Arslanyan (Belgium). The meeting agenda featured discussion of the current... more »
The Organizing Committee for the world youth boxing championship to be held in Yerevan on May 23-30 met at the Office of Government, chaired by committee head, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. The meeting discussed and approved the action plan presented by the preparations task force. Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan stressed the need for proper organization of the first-ever world boxing championship to be held in Armenia. Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Armen Grigoryan... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received a delegation led by Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Ambassador Claudio Bisognero. The meeting agenda featured discussion of Armenia-NATO cooperation-related issues. The Deputy Secretary General expressed satisfaction at the current status of bilateral cooperation and Individual Partnership Acton Plan implementation. At the same time, he said to be in favor of the further development and strengthening of interaction. According to Mr.... more »
Accompanied by RA ministers of Economy, Energy and Natural Resources and the Chief of Government Staff, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan visited Nairit Plant CJSC. The Prime Minister walked round the workshops, got acquainted with the plant’s existing capacity and development opportunities. Tigran Sargsyan said to be pleased with the fact that Nairit is operational, produces rubber and stressed the need for determining the plant’s actual capacity and the possibilities for... more »
In line with the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia, the RA Government, the Armenian Trade Unions Confederation and the All-Republican Union of Armenian Employers signed a collective agreement on extra guarantees and joint action for the streamlining of welfare- and employment-related relations. The agreement was signed by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, President of the Armenian Trade Unions Confederation Edward Tumasyan and Chairman of the All-Republican Union of Armenian Employers... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s Message on Armenian Genocide Victims’ Remembrance Day
Dear Compatriots, April 24 has a double meaning for any Armenian. Each year on this very day not only do we bow before the memory of numerous innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide, but having learnt a lesson from unforgettable past experiences, we bend our eyes on the present day and the future. History suggests us that if we are to survive and keep up our national identity, we need strength and a fighting spirit, a powerful sovereign and democratic State in addition to humanism,... more »
RA government commission on coordination of charitable programs met, chaired by commission head Simon Ter-Simonyan. The commission has discussed 5 programs, including a Hayastan All-Armenian Fund-implemented project, entitled “Reinforcement of “Meghvik” NGO’s Unfinished Building in Gyumri Town of Shirak marz,” the Healthy Way of Life charity-sponsored medical center construction project, as well as 3 projects carried out by World Vision International,... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s Remarks at the Annual Meeting of RA National Academy of Sciences
Honorable RA President, Holiness, Esteemed NAS President, Dear Colleagues, The annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences is a unique opportunity to discuss questions of research development and enter into dialog with the public at large. This dialog was initiated by the President of the Republic of Armenia at last year’s annual meeting. The problems raised by the President and put up for public discussion remain high on agenda. What is awaiting the National... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received Alexei Sisakyan, Director General of RF Unified Institute of Nuclear Research (Dubna town) and Yuri Hovhannisyan, Research Director of Nuclear Reactor Laboratory after Flyorov of the same Institute. The parties have discussed questions concerning the development of Armenia’s cooperation with the Unified Institute of Nuclear Research. Considering the decades-long cooperation with the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan State... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received head of the World Bank Armenia office Aristomene Varudakis and head of the World Bank development policy credit program mission, senior economist for Armenia Robert Talierso. Presenting the activities on the Bank’s 3-year lending program for Armenia, Mr. Varudakis said that thanks to effective cooperation with the ministries of economy and finance, work on the mutually agreed paper is nearing completion. Along with the evaluation of... more »