The draft law package, which was endorsed at today’s ministerial committee sitting, was then discussed at an extraordinary session of the government. The executive reviewed and approved the following package of RA draft laws: “On Amendments to Republic of Armenia Civil Procedure Code,” “On Amendments to Republic of Armenia Penal Procedure Code,” “On Amendments to Republic of Armenia Judicial Code,” “On Amendments to Republic of Armenia... more »
Starting from January 30, 2009, the RA ministers and the heads of government agencies will be submitting performance reports for the year 2008. As directed by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, the reports will cover all the activities carried out in the period under review together with the shortfalls and the reasons behind non-performance, if any, inclusive of those measures stipulated in the addendums to Government Decree N-1440 of November 29, 2007, and Government Decree N-870 of July... more »
As decreed by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, severe reprimands were inflicted on RA Deputy Ministers of Health Care Tatul Hacobyan and Abraham Manukyan for behavior unbecoming to government officials.
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received representatives from Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA). Greeting the guests, the Prime Minister expressed his appreciation of yesterday’s 2008 Vahan Tekeyan awards ceremony held at the premises of Tekeyan cultural association. Tigran Sargsyan stressed that the Government is of very high opinion of all the undertakings of this cultural association. In his words, as a nationhood-building initiative, the annual gala event promotes Armenian... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s Army Day Congratulations Message
Dear Compatriots, Army Commanders and Soldiers, I congratulate you warmly on the Army Day. The Armenian Army can be listed among the key achievements of our sovereign statehood. The fighting spirit, warfare skills and patriotism of our armed forces are anchored on our people’s deeply-rooted aspiration to freedom, our military leaders’ glorious past record which was later on enriched with the Artsakhian freedom-fighters’ feats of arms and patriotism. Nowadays as the world... more »
In accordance with a decree signed by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, for significant contribution to the World Bank-supported programs in Armenia, outgoing World Bank South Caucasus Country Director Donna Dowsett-Coirolo was presented with RA Prime Minister’s commemorative medal. During a farewell event held later today at Golden Tulip hotels complex, Tigran Sargsyan handed the medal to Ms. Donna Dowsett-Coirolo. The Prime Minister thanked her for cooperation and expressed hope... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received a delegation led by World Bank Regional Vice- President Shigeo Katzu. The delegation comprised South Caucasian Department’s Europe and Central Asia Director Asad Alam, World Bank Regional Director Donna Dowsett-Coirolo, World Bank Armenia Office Director Aristomene Varudakis and WBAO officers. There have been discussed: a World Bank-Government of Armenia cooperation-related agenda, the Bank’s eventual support in overcoming the... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received KPMG consulting company representatives, led by Russian Federation and CIS Countries Senior Partner Andrew Crenston. Mr. Crenston briefed the Prime Minister on the ongoing Armenia activities and future plans of the Company. He mentioned that KPMG has a broad network of advisory entities in the auditing and fiscal consulting areas providing expertise and advice to customers, partners and emerging markets. Noting that a local office was installed... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to the Republic of Armenia Thomas Luk. The Prime Minister emphasized the need for developing a more pro-active cooperation between Armenia and Estonia, both bilateral and in the frame of the European Neighborhood Policy. Ambassador Thomas Luk advised that the Estonian foreign minister was scheduled to come to Armenia in the near future to discuss specific interaction development... more »
Accompanied by the ministers of economy, finance, employment and social affairs, the State Revenue Committee chairman and other officials, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called at the Vagharsh and Sons Ltd-owned gold market in Khorenatzi street to get acquainted with the traders’ working conditions and hear their grievances, repeatedly voiced during the sits-in held in front of the government building. After going round the marketplace and talking to several traders, the Prime... more »