RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s Congratulatory Message on New Year Day and Christmas
Dear Compatriots, We have a twofold feeling as we part with the year 2008. On one hand, we had regrettable losses and shortfalls for which we are asking your pardon. On the other hand, we enjoyed the result of our citizens’ hard-earned and devoted work that helped us meet and overcome so many threats. Learning on past experiences, we all think about the future. What will this quickly shaped new world be like? What kind of adverse and positive changes will it bring along? May... more »
Today the Youth Affairs Council by the Government met in a session at the Office of Government. Before proceeding to the questions of the agenda, the Prime Minister wished the Council members and all youth a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas and spoke about some questions of state policy in the sphere of youth affairs. He said it to be symbolical that this year’s last event in the Government was dedicated to the questions of youth. In Tigran Sargsyan’s words, we live in a... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received the representatives of ethnic minorities of Armenia. The meeting agenda featured discussion of social, educational, cultural and other issues of topical interest. Tigran Sargsyan noted that this meeting’s holding ahead of New Year’s celebrations is supposed to provide a nice opportunity for problem discussion and the making of arrangements on future action. “We are going to possibly address the priority problems in cooperation... more »
A session of RA government’s charitable project coordination commission took place, chaired by commission head Simon Ter-Simonyan. 7 projects have been discussed. In particular, the following programs have been approved: a charity catering project and an educational program on the provision of tuition and scholarship to students from vulnerable households as implemented by the Armenia branch of the Armenian Relief Fund of America, the “Care-Free Childhood” project to be... more »
The EU-Armenia cooperation coordinating commission met at the Office of Government, chaired by head of commission, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. The commission took note of the reports on the status of EU-Armenia Action Plan under the European Neighborhood Policy, the priorities and actions for 2009, the programs implemented under the European Neighborhood and Partnership Facility (ENPF), the educational and judicial reforms. The ministries and agencies concerned were charged to... more »
On the tragic event of Yevpatoria, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan sent a message of condolences to Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko, which states in part: “On behalf of the government of Armenia and myself, I extend deep condolences on the blast in a residential building in Yevpatoria which took several human lives. At this time of sorrow for the people of Ukraine, we join you with a feeling of sincere sympathy.”
The Jubilee Commission on preparation of centennial celebration of Jacob Zarobyan’s birth met at the Office of Government, chaired by head of commission, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. The commission discussed the course of implementation of the actions dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the renowned statesman and politician. It has been noted that on September 25, the birthday of Jacob Zarobyan, an exhibition of photo and archival materials on his life and activity was... more »
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received President of Russian “Sitronics” OJSC Sergey Aslanyan, Vice President Sergey Ourezchenko and authorized representative in Armenia Armen Khachatryan. The parties spoke about the further development of cooperation in the sphere of high technologies. President of Sitronics Sergey Aslanyan presented the activities of this largest hi-tech company, its participation in the federal programs of Russia, international cooperation and... more »
The IT Development Support Council (ITDSC) met at the Office of Government, chaired by council head, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. The council discussed the current status information technologies, the course of implementation of the assignments issued at the previous session, took note of a September 17 amendment to the presidential decree ref. PD-896 of July 20, 2008 on setting up an IT Development Support Council September 17, 2008. The Council similarly discussed the course of... more »
A session of RA government’s charitable project coordination commission took place, chaired by commission head Simon Ter-Simonyan. The commission has considered 12 charitable programs. In particular, there have been discussed and authorized Hayastan All-Armenian Fund-sponsored “Water supply system reorganization design in Dzoramut Village of Lori marz,” “Water supply system reorganization design in Nernadzor village of Syunik marz,” “Study and... more »