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Official News

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Introducing to the staff of RA Ministry of Transport and Communications the newly appointed Gurgen Sargsyan and congratulating him on his appointment, the RA Prime Minister emphasized that the transport and communications sector is the key to the development of our country's economy. "This sector is extremely important for Armenia, especially, taking into account the geopolitical problems and those challenges which today face our country. There are serious tasks set before the ministry... more »

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Introducing to the staff of RA Ministry of Territorial Administration the newly appointed minister Armen Gevorkyan and congratulating him on his appointment, the Prime Minister emphasized that Mr. Gevorkyan will assume the duties of RA Vice-Premier as well which means that territorial administration a top priority for the Government of the Republic of Armenia: "One of the primary goals of the activity of the RA Government is the proportional development of territories. It is not a secret... more »

Monday, 21 April 2008

Introducing the newly appointed minister Harutyun Kushkyan to the staff of RA Ministry of Health Care and congratulating him on his appointment, the head of RA government noted that Mr. Kushkyan's merits in the sphere of public health care are obvious: "He is expert in the given sphere, enjoys the trust of all fellow colleagues engaged in the sphere, everyone appreciates his professional and organizing skills as he has had the opportunity to display his abilities and we are sure that... more »

Monday, 21 April 2008

Introducing the newly appointed minister Agvan Vardanyan to the staff of RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and congratulating him on his appointment, the RA Prime Minister expressed confidence that the administrative and professional skills built up for the last five years on the post of minister will enable Mr. Vardanyan as assisted by his staff to continue solving the problems set before the ministry: "I want to touch upon a burning issue as specified in the government program,... more »

Monday, 21 April 2008

Introducing the newly appointed minister Armen Movsisyan to the staff of RA Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and congratulating him on his re-appointment, the Prime Minister of Armenia underscored Mr. Movsisyan's personal contribution to the formation of a well-guided and developing system in the energy sector. He mentioned that the re-organization has enlarged the scope of duties vested in the ministry to comprise the field of natural resources. "We prioritize this field as it... more »

Monday, 21 April 2008

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan visited the RA ministries of nature protection, labor and social affairs, health care, energy and natural resources and introduced to their respective staffs newly appointed ministers Aram Harutyunyan, Aghvan Vardanyan, Harutyun Kushkyan and Armen Movsisyan. Introducing Aram Harutyunyan who has recently been re-appointed RA Minister of Nature Protection under a presidential decree, and congratulating him on his appointment, the head of the Armenian... more »

Monday, 21 April 2008

Chairman of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Wen Jiabao has congratulated Tigran Sargsyan on his appointment to the post of RA Prime Minister. The congratulatory message states in part: "Over the past few years, the government of Armenia has been concentrating upon the development of its national economy, the improvement of population's living standards, the maintenance of social stability and has had significant achievements. I am confident that the Armenian... more »

Friday, 18 April 2008

Today RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan visited the RA ministries of urban development, culture, education and science and introduced newly appointed ministers Vardan Vardanyan, Hasmik Poghosyan and Levon Mekrtchyan to the staffs of respective ministries. Introducing the newly appointed minister Vardan Vardanyan and congratulating him again on his re-appointment to the ministerial post, the head of the Armenian government expressed conviction that he would successfully continue... more »

Friday, 18 April 2008

Introducing to the ministry staff RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan who has been appointed minister under a presidential decree and congratulating her on her appointment, the Prime Minister touched upon the realization in our country of a uniform cultural policy, the development of the national cultural patrimony and a number of other issues concerning the activity and the programs of the ministry. Tigran Sargsyan has said in particular: "We face serious challenges. I feel that the... more »

Friday, 18 April 2008

Introducing newly appointed minister Levon Mkrtchyan to the staff of the Ministry of Education and Science and once again congratulating him on his appointment, the head of the government noted the important role of educational reforms in the overall development of the State and society: "All of us realize well that without serious reforms in the system of education we will simple fail to promote any development in the Republic of Armenia. Armenia ' s modernization is impossible without... more »

March 2025

