RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan received UNDP Permanent Representative in Armenia, UN Resident Coordinator Consuelo Vidal. First of all, Ms. Vidal conveyed UN Secretary General's congratulations and best wishes on Mr. Sargsyan's assumption of office as RA Prime Minister. Then she noted with satisfaction that the priorities outlined in the National Assembly-endorsed 5-year government program were in full harmony with those highlighted by the United Nations which opened up vast... more »
RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Armenia Ayimdos Bozhigitov. At the start of the meeting, the Prime Minister congratulated Ambassador Bozhigitov on the establishment of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Armenia, with the opening ceremony to be held tomorrow. In this connection, Mr. Sargsyan expressed hope that the active work of the two countries' diplomatic missions would give a new... more »
RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to Armenia Stefan Dimitrov. Highly appreciative of the current level of the Armenian-Bulgarian relationship, the Prime Minister pointed out to the need of further strengthening them and activating efforts on either side towards the expansion and development of cooperation in various spheres. On the occasion of assumption to the office, Ambassador Stefan Dimitrov handed over to Mr.... more »
In accordance with article 7 of RA Law "On the procedure to follow upon processing citizens' proposals, applications and complaints," the RA Governmental Staff publishes summary information on the status of those processed letters received in the second quarter of 2007. In the period under review, RA Government Staff received 6898 letters, among them 18 proposals, 6820 applications and 60 complaints. The letters raised social, financial, housing, legislative, public health... more »
RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan received Prosecutor General of the Republic of Hungary Tamas Kovac. The parties spoke about the furtherance of cooperation between the law-enforcement agencies of the two countries, inclusive of the systems of public prosecution. The Prosecutor General of Hungary noted with satisfaction that active work had been carried out since 2000 to deepen the collaboration with Armenian counterparts and expressed satisfaction at the opportunity of signing a... more »
RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan received Asian Development Bank Vice-President Lee Kun Jin. Mr. Lee Kun Jin conveyed warm greetings and assurances of willingness for cooperation on behalf of the President of the Asian Development Bank. Mr. Lee Kun Jin said to be proud that Armenia was an ADB-member country and that no effort had been spared so far on either side to strengthen bilateral relationship and develop new programs of cooperation. The ADB Vice-President expressed satisfaction... more »
RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan's Congratulatory Message on Constitution Day
Dear Compatriots, I congratulate you on the Day of Constitution. As the chief law of a country, a constitution is the key to the formation and development of any State. The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia has been a legal, political and ideological instrument for Armenia's sovereign statehood by providing a regulatory framework for all types of legal relations and anticipating the way for our State's development. Amended by a nationwide referendum, based on the fundamental... more »
Today RA government commission on coordination of charitable programs has met in a regular session, presided at by commission chairman S.Ter-Simonyan. The commission has reviewed 16 charitable programs. In particular, there have been discussed and approved the following Hayastan All-Armenian Fund-implemented programs: "Improvement of Pushkin Park in Yerevan," "Repair of Sanitary Units in Hrashk kindergarten," "Printing and Free Distribution of Jubilee Magazine for Board of Trustees... more »
RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan received the delegation led by IMF Mission Head Martha Castello-Branco. Ms. Castello-Branco said to be pleased with the current status of cooperation with the Republic Armenia, effective since 1992, and added that she thought it quite successful. The head of the IMF mission conveyed the Fund
By RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan's decision, Arbak Abrahamyan has been appointed acting head of Shengavit district community of Yerevan.