Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received the delegation led by UN World Food Program Executive Director James T. Morris who is in our country on a regional visit. The Prime Minister expressed high appreciation and emphasized the importance of the work carried out under the UN World Food Program since 1993 when the program started its operations in Armenia. Andranik Margaryan said that over the past 13 years, the World Food Program had gone a long way towards improving... more »
By decision of Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan, Arman Sahakyan was released from the post of Deputy Mayor of Yerevan in accordance with his personal request.
Today RA government commission on coordination of charitable programs has met, presided at by commission chairman S. Ter-Simonyan. The commission examined 12 charitable programs. In particular, it approved a National Fund for Science and High Technologies-implemented program on support of scientific infrastructure in the Republic of Armenia for the period of 2006-2008. The purpose of the program referred to as "Realization of scientific - educational programs," to be carried out... more »
Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan held a consultative meeting on preparation and realization of the program of action for the celebrations of the 15th anniversary of Armenia's independence. The meeting was attended by RA Minister of Finance and Economy and RA Minister of Education and Science, Adviser to RA President, First Deputy Minister of Defense, Chief of Army Headquarters, Mayor of Yerevan, President of National Academy of Sciences, deputy ministers of... more »
Today Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan has received outgoing IMF Resident Representative in Armenia James McHugh. The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation of the IMF-GoA cooperation over Mr. McHugh's tenure of office and mentioned that the positive results of this cooperation were apparent for Armenia. The Prime Minister further said that his government and the IMF had succeeded in solving many questions through joint efforts. Mr. McHugh who... more »
To facilitate the entry into Armenia for several dozens of our compatriots blocked up at the inactive checkpoint near Ergneti settlement in Georgia on the Russian-Georgian border due to the closure of the Upper Lars border-point, RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan instructed to hold a meeting with Georgian Ambassador to Armenia Revaz Gachechiladze at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, during which an official memorandum has been transmitted to Georgian... more »
On the instructions of RA Prime Minister, a consultative meeting on the possibility of providing humanitarian assistance from Armenia to the hostilities-hit Lebanon was held at the Office of Government. The meeting was chaired by RA Minister of Territorial Administration Hovik Abrahamyan. In attendance were deputy ministers of finance and economy, foreign affairs, public health care, transport and communication, the director of the General Department of Civil Aviation by the Government, the... more »
Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan's Condolences on the Death of Eminent Painter Mariam Aslamazyan
I deeply condole upon the passing of eminent painter, People
Today a consultative meeting has been held with RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan to discuss questions of assistance to those citizens of Armenia wishing to return to Armenia due to military operations underway in Lebanon, in particular, and eventual relief action for our compatriots residing in that country, in general. The meeting was attended by RA ministers of territorial administration, finance and economy, transport and communication, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Head of... more »
Today Republic of Armenia Prime Minister-established commission on coordination of actions under the Month of Information Technologies has met, presided at by commission chairman, Adviser to RA Prime Minister Ara Hacobyan. The commission reviewed the actions stipulated in the preliminary program and the time- schedule for their implementation. It was noted that, in addition to over a dozen of specified actions to start this September, two more actions were planned concerning the... more »