RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Armenia Henry Cuny. Having noted that they already happened to meet with each other at the 4th session of the joint organizing committee for the celebrations of Armenia
Today a consultative meeting has been held with RA Minister of Territorial Administration Hovik Abrahamyan on issues relating to urban development and land use in Sevan National Park and adjacent territories. The meeting was attended by Adviser to RA Prime Minister G. Martirosyan, RA Ministers of Nature Protection and Urban Development, head of the State Committee on Immovable Property Cadastre by the Government, Governor of Gegharkounik Marz, Mayors of Sevan, Martouni, Vardenis... more »
RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received IRI Minister for Public Health Care, Medical Services and Medical Sciences Kamran Bagheri Lankarani. The Prime Minister appreciated the mutual contacts of senior officials that had increased in frequency recently as evidenced by Mr. Lankarani
Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received the delegation led by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Lebanon Fawzi Salloukh. To begin with, the Prime Minister said that there were no political problems between Armenia and Lebanon, bilateral relations having been developing harmoniously and a satisfactory legal base in place for cooperation. According to the head of the Armenian government, the two countries also had a wide experience of cooperation in the international... more »
On a working visit to Georgia, Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan joined Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli to attend the Armenian-Georgian business forum in Batoumi. In their opening remarks the Prime Ministers appreciated that the forum was held on a regular basis and noted that more potentialities were concealed in the economic relationship between the two countries that should be used more effectively. Zurab Nogaideli presented the recent economic and... more »
Today the delegation of Armenia led by Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan has arrived in Georgia on a 3-day working visit to attend the 5th session of the Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation in Batumi. The Prime Minister-led government delegation is composed of RA Minister of Finance and Economy Vardan Khachatryan, Deputy Foreign Minister Gegham Gharibjanyan, Chairman of State Customs Committee by the Government Armen Avetisyan, Deputy... more »
Today government commission on coordination of charitable programs has met, presided at by commission chairman S. Ter-Simonyan. The commission has reviewed 16 charitable programs. In particular, programs of repair of the sleeping block of "Yerevan State Sports College of Olympic Reserve" SNCO, carried out by "Hayastan" pan - Armenian fund, construction of the internal water supply network in the newly built residential estate in Marmarashen village of Ararat Marz, design and... more »
On July 7, 2006, Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan will travel to capital of Adjaria Batumi, Georgia, on a 3-day working visit to attend the 5th session of the Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation. The Prime Minister-led government delegation will be composed of RA Minister of Finance and Economy Vardan Khachatryan, Deputy Foreign Minister Gegham Gharibjanyan, Chairman of State Customs Committee by the Government Armen Avetisyan,... more »
Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received Executive Director of the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) Brian Ardouni and Country Director Arpi Vardanyan. Bryan Ardouni informed the Prime Minister on the activities carried out by the Armenian Assembly of America for the benefit of Armenians in the USA. The parties exchanged views on the Armenian-American relationships, in particular, on the course of realization of the Millenium Challenge Armenia program,... more »
Today the 4th session of the joint organizing committee for the Year of Armenia in France has taken place at the Office of Government. Welcoming the French delegation which comprised Special Adviser to the President of the French Republic Ms Valeria Teranova, chair of the state commission on coordination of activities for the Year of Armenia in France, Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan noted that our country attached great importance to the arrangements reached between the Presidents of... more »