In accordance with a decree signed by Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan, Souren Karayan has been appointed Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Armenia. Biographical Note Souren Karayan was born in 1973 in Achajour village of Tavoush marz of the Republic of Armenia. In 1995, he has graduated from the Physics Department of the Yerevan State University. In the period from 1995 to 1998, he was a post-graduate student at the... more »
Today Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan has convened a meeting of the Organizing committee on preparation of pan-Armenian events. The meeting has discussed the program of action for the events to take place in Yerevan in 2006. It was noted that, as a matter of fact, the indicated program had already started with the launching by the All-Armenian Youth Foundation of "Bazeh: Winter
Based on Paragraph 2.1 of Republic of Armenia Presidential Decree Ref. No. PD
Today the Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan has received Ukrainian Minister of Transport and Communications Victor Bondar. During the meeting, the Armenian Prime Minister expressed confidence that irrespective of the political developments having taken place in Ukraine recently, the Armenian-Ukrainian relationship in different fields would continue developing along the lines traced by the high-level arrangements reached between the two sides. With respect to bilateral... more »
Today Republic of Armenia government commission on coordination of charitable programs has held a regular meeting, which was presided at by commission chairman Simon Ter-Simonyan. The Commission has reviewed 2 charitable projects. In particular, the meeting has discussed and approved a program to be implemented by the Armenian branch of "Physicians Unlimited: Greek Section" association in Shirak marz of the Republic of Armenia referred to as "Management and Prevention of Sexual... more »
Today Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan has received newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Armenia Onno Frederick Gudenol Elderenbosch ( residence - in Tbilisi). Having congratulated the Ambassador with the startup of his diplomatic mission in our country, the Prime minister expressed the hope that his activity would help further develop bilateral relationship between Armenia and the Netherlands. During the... more »
Today the Millenium Challenge Account Foundation's Armenia Program Board of Trustees has held a meeting under the chairmanship of Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan. The meeting agenda featured review of the progress made in the preparative work for program implementation. In particular, the meeting discussed the process of formation of a task force to ensure the implementation of the Millenium Challenge Account Armenia program, as well as several matters relating to... more »
In accordance with a decree signed by Republic of Armenia Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan, Mr. Tigran Khachatryan was released from the post of Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Armenia.
Message by Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan on the occasion of Army Day
Dear compatriots, commanders and soldiers of Armenian army, I am congratulating you on the Army Day - a holiday of great value to our people and statehood. Having taken its origin in the days of the heroic struggle waged for Artsakh and uniting in itself the wealth of historical traditions of the Armenian military art and freedom-loving spirit of today's patriots devoted to the native land, the Armenian army went through a lengthy and famous period of formation. Owing to the... more »
Today the Commission on Coordination of Charitable Programs of Government RA has held a meeting, which was presided at by Commission Chairman Simon.Ter-Simonyan. The commission has considered 8 charitable programs. In particular, a Hayastan All-Armenian Fund-implemented program of import of bitumen for construction of North-South highway in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, two programs carried out with financing available from the Medical Trusteeship American-Armenian charitable society... more »