RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan's Address to the Participants of the October 24 Armenian-Japanese Business Round Table in Yerevan
Honorable Ambassador Nomura, Dear Guests: Allow me to welcome you on the opening of the Armenian-Japanese Round Table. It is a distinct pleasure for me to see such a numerous delegation of Japanese businessmen featuring the leading Japanese companies. This forum is the evidence of the reciprocal interest to boost the bilateral economic and commercial ties. This event is also the reflection of my June visit paid to Japan with the purpose of attending EXPO-2005 world exposition... more »
Today a meeting of the Board of State Social Insurance Fund has been held under the chairmanship of Prime minister A. Margaryan, Chairman of Board. The meeting discussed and approved the report on fulfilment of the budget of obligatory social insurance for the first half-year of 2005. Council members were briefed on the course of fulfilment of the tasks set at the previous meeting. With reference to agenda item 1, Chairman of RA State Social Insurance Fund Vazgen Khachikjan... more »
Today RA government commission on coordination of charitable programs has held a meeting at the Office of Government presided at by commission chairman S.Ter-Simonyan. The commission has reviewed 6 haritable programs. In particular, it has discussed and approved the Holy See St. Etchmiadzin-sponsored project for the transformation of a former kindergarten on V.Kostanian street of Etchmiadzin town into an old-age asylum, which is aimed at the improvement of asylum residents' living... more »
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received the delegation headed by Chief of RF General Headquarters, First Deputy Minister of Defense of Russian Federation, Army General Yuri Balouyevsky. Appreciative of the steadily developing Armenian-Russian relationships in the political, economic, military, humanitarian and other fields, the parties have stated that the bilateral cooperation had been considerably promoted by the recent Yerevan meeting of Armenian-Russian intergovernmental... more »
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received the delegation of the Regional Cooperation for Communications (RCC) who have arrived in Armenia to attend the 34th meeting of the Council of Heads of Communication Administrations and the 8th meeting of CIS Coordinating Council on Information under the RCC. The members of the delegation briefed the Prime Minister on the past activities of this organization, which was founded in 1991 and had 12 full and 6 observing members, they spoke of... more »
On the passing of renowned political figure and statesman Hrant Voskanyan, a funeral government commission headed by President of RA NAS Fadey Sargsyan has been established in compliance with Prime Minister A. Margaryan's decision.
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received IMF Executive Director Jeron Cremers and IMF Resident Representative in Armenia James McHugh. Having expressed satisfaction at the current status of bilateral cooperation and ongoing programs, the parties at the same time pointed out the availability of additional potentialities for the development of this cooperation. The Prime Minister said to be confident that along with other factors Mr. Cremers present visit would indeed... more »
By RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan's decision, Mr. Rudik Ghoukasyan has been discharged from the office of Deputy Head of State Water Committee under Government of the Republic of Armenia.
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received members of EBRD Board of Directors Terence Brown, Michael Neumayr, Gonzalo Ramos, Jose Veiga de Macedo, Scott Clark, Igor Podoliev, Peer Stanchina, Regional Director Michael Davy and Director of EBRD Yerevan Office Michael Winstin. On a first representative visit to Armenia, the delegation seeks to collect as much as possible information about the country, get a first-hand view of the ongoing EBRD programs and discuss future programs of... more »
RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has sent a message of condolences to Artistic Director of the Yerevan Drama Theater after Hrachia Ghaplanyan Mr. Armen Khandikyan on the untimely and tragic death of his son Arsen Khandikyan.