Today the Information Technologies Support Council (ITSC) has held a meeting at the Office of Government, which was presided at by Prime Minister A. Margaryan, Chairman of the Council. The Council reviewed the progress in the fulfilment of the assignments given at the previous meeting, the 2004 report on ITSC's activities, the individual composition of the Council formed on a rotational basis etc. With reference to agenda item 1, Armen Grigoryan, Secretary of the Council, reported... more »
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received Mr. Vladimir Rushailo, Chairman and Executive Director of the CIS Executive Committee. Mr. Rushailo briefed the Prime Minister on the progress in preparations for the forthcoming meeting of Heads of Government of CIS member-States to be held in Tbilisi on April 29 and added that over 30 draft projects concerning different fields of interstate cooperation were scheduled to be discussed at the meeting. The parties mentioned that... more »
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has convened a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Armenia Millenium Challenge Account. The meeting discussed the revised and finalized draft of the program to be proposed to the U.S. government under the Millenium Challenge Program, which contained program description by priorities and program goals, the consultative process and the institutional framework. The statement of program goals includes a mention of the Armenian government's having presented... more »
Today the first meeting of the government regulatory commission for survey and mapping out of RA marzes' and local communities' boundaries has been held at the Office of Government under the chairmanship of Mr. Hovik Abrahamayan, RA Minister for Coordination of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Operations. For the first time, discussed and approved were the administrative boundaries of about 200 urban and rural settlements in Ararat, Armavir, Shirak marzes of the Republic of... more »
Today RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has received Mr. Ghassan Al-Raslan, the outgoing charge d'affaires of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Republic of Armenia. The Prime Minister stated his high appreciation of Mr. Al-Raslan's personal contribution to the development of the Armenian-Syrian cooperation during his term in office in our country. Mr. A. Margaryan expressed the hope that, further to his prior official invitation, Syrian Prime Minister Mr. Naji Outri's upcoming visit to... more »
RA Prime Minister A. Margaryan has sent a message of congratulations to Mr. Zurab Nogaideli, newly appointed Prime Minister of Georgia, which reads as follows: "Dear Zurab Teymourazovich: On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia and myself, I am extending to you my heartfelt congratulations on your appointment as Prime Minister of Georgia. Prioritizing the deepening of diversified ties between Georgia and the Republic of Armenia, I would like to express the hope that... more »
Today the Coordination Board of the Strategic Program for Poverty Reduction (PRSP) has held a meeting presided by Prime Minister A. Margaryan at the Office of Government. The meeting agenda included a number of issues relating to the establishment of a steering task force and its terms of reference, the endorsement of the PRSP Open Forum's working program and the selection of the person in charge of program implementation, the approval of the timetable of the activities to be carried... more »
Today a meeting of the state commission for preparation of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide has been held at the Office of Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister A. Margaryan. The commission was briefed on the progress in the implementation of the assignments given at the previous meeting, most of which had been fulfilled in time. In particular, it was noted that the finalized version of the program had been handed out to commission members in order to have it... more »
Today the jubilee commission for preparation of the 1600th anniversary of the Armenian alphabet has held a meeting presided at by Prime Minister A. Margaryan at the Office of Government. The commission reviewed the progress in the implementation of the assignments given at the previous meeting. An integral version of the program was reported to have been drafted based on the comments and proposals made prior to the meeting. In compliance of an assignment, RA Minister of Science and... more »
Today the board of trustees of "Noravank" scientific-educational fund has held a meeting at the premises of the fund, which was presided at by Chairman of Board Mr. A. Margaryan. Discussed were the report on the work done by "Noravank" SEF in the second half-year of 2004 and the proposed schedule of activities to be carried out in the framework of the projects approved for 2005. With reference to agenda item 1, it was reported that in the period under review, the fund's activities... more »