Address by RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan on the Occasion of the 13th Anniversary of the Armenian National Army
Dear Compatriots, Commanders and Soldiers of the Armenian Army: The National Army of Armenia as born and strengthened during the stressful years of the fight for freedom of Artsakh, which was imposed upon our people from outside, is among the most significant achievements of our independent statehood. The patriotic fighting spirit and warfare potential of the newly created armed forces relied upon the military skill and experience provided by Soviet Army regular officers of Armenian... more »
A Prime Minister A. Margaryan-headed Armenian delegation has arrived in the Republic of Poland (Krakow) to attend the ceremony of the 60th anniversary of liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The delegation is comprised of Mr. Ruben Shugaryan, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, heads of various departments of the Office of Government and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Later today the Prime Minister and the members of the delegation visited the Cardinal's Residence at... more »
To attend the celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation, an Armenian delegation headed by Prime Minister A. Margaryan is scheduled to leave for Poland on January 27. The delegation is comprised of Mr. Ruben Shugaryan, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, heads of various departments of the Office of Government and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A separate cultural program is envisaged for the spouse of the Prime Minister. Several Heads of State, Government and Parliament... more »
Today a meeting of the Armenian constituent of the Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation has been held ot the Office of Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister A. Margaryan. The Commission reviewed the progress in the discharge of the tasks assigned during the previous meeting, most of which were said to have been fulfilled in time with the balance being in process. At present, activities are underway with the view of furthering the... more »
Today the RA government commission for coordination of charitable programs has held a regular meeting presided at by Mr. S. Ter-Simonyan, chairman of the commission. Discussed were 6 charitable programs, including: a project for the detection, diagnosis and cure of therapeutic forms of tuberculosis implemented by the Armenia Office of Cross-Border Physicians Association (France), which aims the provision of the necessary facilities for the delivery of free treatment and medical... more »
By Prime Minister A. Margaryan's decision, Mr. Grigor Sanoyan was released from the post of Deputy Minister of Nature Protection .
Today a meeting of the State commission for coordination of preparations for the celebrations of Armenia's Year in France in 2006-2007 has been held at the Office of Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister A. Margaryan. The Commission discussed the draft program of events for the celebrations of Armenia
Today the RA-NKR Intergovernmental Standing Commission for Economic Cooperation has held a meeting attended by Prime Minister A. Margaryan. The meeting agenda included the following two items: 1) the progress in the implementation of the assignments given at the previous meeting; 2) the key points of the long-term cooperation program between the two governments. The program is currently being developed by commission working groups and, upon completion, will be forwarded to the... more »
Today the Jubilee Commission for Coordination of Preparations for the 70th Anniversary of Hrant Matevosyan's Birth has held a meeting presided at by Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan. The commission was briefed on the progress in the implementation of the assignments given at the previous meeting. Based on the proposals made, the program of jubilee events was finalized with the venues and timings of the projected events specfied. In particular, it was decided that a... more »
Today a meeting of the state commission for preparation of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide has been held at the Office of Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister A. Margaryan. The commission was briefed on the progress in the implementation of the assignments given at the previous meeting, most of which had been fulfilled in time. In particular, the program of events had been finalized based on the proposals made and a number of issues addressed with relation to... more »