Artur Hovsepyan
Deputy Chief of Prime Minister’s Staff
Curriculum Vitae
Date and Place of Birth
October 13, 1980, Yerevan
1997 - 2004, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Arabic Department; Profession: Arabology; Qualification: Master of Oriental Studies
1999 - 2000, Cairo State University, Department of History
2004 - 2007, NAS RA, Institute of Oriental Studies, applicant
2014, Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Work Experience
2004 - 2009, RA State Customs Committee, Department of International Relations, Leading Specialist, Customs Inspector, Senior Customs Inspector, Head of Department
2009 - 2013, RA State Revenue Committee, Head of International Relations Department
2011 - 2012, World Customs Organization (Brussels, Belgium), Department of Institutional Development, Specialized Officer
2013 - 2014, RA State Revenue Committee, Head of Business Environment Research and Monitoring Division
2014 - 2015, RA Ministry of Finance, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Department
2015 - 2016, RA Ministry of Finance, Deputy Head of the Department for Cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union
2016 - 2019, RA State Revenue Committee, Department of International Cooperation, Head of Cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union
2019-2021, Adviser to the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia
Since, March 16, 2021, RA Science Committee, Secretary General
As of 2021, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Office of the Prime Minister
Other Information
He holds the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel of the Customs Service; Master of Historical Sciences
Marital Status
Married, with two daughters