Mher Torchyan
Mobilization Preparations and Mobilization Programmes Division
Curriculum Vitae
Date and place of birth:
14 jun 1967y., city Kamo
1984–1991y.y. -Yerevan Polytechnic institute, Engineer-chemist-technology,
1992 -1995 y.y. - State Engineering University of Armenia, Master.
1995-1997 y.y. - State Engineering University of Armenia, Graduate student.
Work experience:
1991-1992 y.y. - JSC "Polyvinylacetate", the master of the shift.
1992-1999 y.y. - CJSC "NAIRIT", shift master, department head, site manager.
1999-2000 y.y. - Deputy Head of the Department of Mining and Chemical Research and Production Programs in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RA.
2000-2001 y.y. - Deputy Head of the Department of Chemistry in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RA.
2001-2002 y.y. - Chief specialist in the management of chemistry in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RA.
2002-2004 y.y. - Chief specialist in management of commerce and external relations in "ArmRosgazprom" CJSC.
2004-2007 y.y. - LLC "ARAMIR", production manager.
2007-2012 y.y.- Head of the construction department in the Engineering Center of "ArmRosgazprom" CJSC.
2012-2017y.y. - Head of the Division, Military Economic and Mobilization Programs in the Ministry of Economy of the RA.
2017-2018 y.y. - Head of the Division of Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization Programs in the Staff of the Government of the RA.
From June 20, 2018 y.- Head of the mobilization preparation and mobilization programs department in the Office of the Prime Minister of the RA.
Other data:
1987-1989 -Service in the USSR Army, Awarded with the Order "20 Years of the Army of the RA". A letter of gratitude from General Secretary of CSTO.
Participated in:
"Organization for the Protection of Chemical Weapons", OPCW, the Netherlands.
"Program of orientation of qualification standards of chemical experts" NIST USA.
"On Security and Strategic Management of Trade Management Academy" CITS USA.
"Physical protection and security management with radioactive sources" NISA USA.
"Natural and man-made prevention of natural disasters, preparedness and response" Denmark,
"Reducing Disaster Risk in the Region of Central Asia and the South Caucasus" ADPC, UNISDR Kazakhstan.
"Preparation of the operational headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia"
"The main modern models of management decentralization"
"Integration of Armenia into European structures"
"Integrated Water Resources Management" USAID
"Use and destruction of ozone corrosive materials" USAID, UNIT.
Languages: Russian, English.
Candidate PhD of technical sciences, 34 scientific papers, 13 of which are RA patent.
Personal Information:
Married and has two sons.