Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia is a central body of executive authority that elaborates and implements the policy of the Government of the Republic of Armenia in the spheres of education, science, culture and sport.
Deputy Ministers:
Arthur Martirosyan
Alfred Qocharyan
Araxia Svajyan
Daniel Danielyan
Hasmik Avagyan
0010, Vazgen Sargsyan 3, Yerevan
59-96-00 , 59-96-01
(37410) 52-73-43
Agencies under ministries
Chairman: Sargis Hayotsyan
The Scientific Committee of the Republic of Armenia implements the Government’s policy in the field of science. The Committee seeks to develop scientific and technical capacity, its rational and effective distribution and maintenance, scientific and technical personnel training, public intellectual potential reproduction and so on.
Head: Siranush Dvoyan
The Language Committee carries out supervisory responsibilities for functions and implements language policy in the Republic of Armenia. It is also responsible for the following: enforcement of the Law On Language and public policy programs to ensure compliance with the requirements of the literary language, the official language in all spheres of public life etc. the agency ensures the exercise of linguistic rights by national minorities.