Fadey Sargsyan
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1923 in Yerevan, Fadey Sargsyan graduated from Leningrad Military Academy after Budyonni.
He was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RA NAS.
He was the representative of SU defense ministry in the department of missiles and artillery of Sverdlovsk factory and in the Yerevan institute of computing machinery.
Fadey Sargsyan was general-major of army engineering forces.
He was in office for 12 years. The last few years of his tenure were marked by Armenia’s national revival and the birth of the Artshakh movement.
In 1993-2006, he was the President of RA NAS and was invited to take part in parliament sessions.
One of the most important features in Fadey Sargsyan governance is that he was very attentive to the economic development of country’s outskirts and to the social development of the population. For building new houses in the countryside during his tenure a lot of loans were given.
New life was given to copper factory of Agarak. But the most significant time during Fadey Sargsyan’s governance was in 1988 on December 7 earthquake and the time after that. During the time he was in the territory of destruction almost all the time. His government was the one in charge of responsibilities of eliminating the results of destructions: for a long time the attention of the whole world was on Armenia, it was necessary to divide the help from all over the world and to think of other daily problems.
In different situation he could orientate quickly, had a big experience of life and simple working principles, often worked without secretaries and helpers, which was very important those days, as in 1988 Armenia had become the epicenter of the world, because of the earthquake, moving the ground under USSR, standing against totalitarian system and creating democratic country.
Fadey Sargsyan basically worked with ACP CC first secretary Karen Demirchyan an activist who led Armenia for 14 years. During their cooperation the project of future development of Armenia was brought into life, which ensured a steep rise in economical and social standards level, the energy branch, radio-electronics, machinery building development, the Metro was put into operation and the Sport Complex…